Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 635071782185074709

2019-10-19 11:01:20 UTC  

haha, knew that'd trigger you

2019-10-19 11:01:29 UTC  


2019-10-19 11:01:33 UTC  

I want whats good for my country

2019-10-19 11:01:36 UTC  

you fucking got me

2019-10-19 11:01:38 UTC  


2019-10-19 11:01:50 UTC  

Top kek get fucked libcucks

2019-10-19 11:01:52 UTC  

huh, that's strange, so do i

2019-10-19 11:02:00 UTC  

almost as though it's up to interpretation

2019-10-19 11:02:02 UTC  

that's why you care about triggering people then 🙂

2019-10-19 11:02:10 UTC  

Top maturity

2019-10-19 11:02:10 UTC  

you're worth the effort

2019-10-19 11:02:16 UTC  

How old are you lmao

2019-10-19 11:02:43 UTC  

How is that relevant

2019-10-19 11:02:48 UTC  

You're only allowed to be proud of triggering people online if you're a teenage boy

2019-10-19 11:02:55 UTC  

Any older then you're really sad

2019-10-19 11:03:11 UTC  

And also that's pretty immature of you to attack me based on how old you think i am

2019-10-19 11:03:29 UTC  

Deflection because you know I'm right 🙂

2019-10-19 11:03:37 UTC  

Time for lunch

2019-10-19 11:07:30 UTC  

Even if Letwin passes it looks like his deal is going to be passed anyway

2019-10-19 11:07:54 UTC  

So if it *does* have to go under scrutiny the EU could go lol you've agreed buh bye

2019-10-19 11:09:15 UTC  

Tfw it hasn't even happened

2019-10-19 11:28:20 UTC  

and all the businesses that thrive.. i guess give the pay rises to brexiteers first?

2019-10-19 11:33:23 UTC  

I swear if they somehow extend even if the deal goes through

2019-10-19 11:40:05 UTC  

Fuck's going on with that?

2019-10-19 11:44:13 UTC  

an internal UKIP struggle.
What fun.

2019-10-19 11:44:20 UTC  

Yeah, just what it needs

2019-10-19 11:44:24 UTC  

Wasn't dead enough already

2019-10-19 11:47:45 UTC  

Well UKIP civil war time

2019-10-19 11:47:57 UTC  

What is the UKIP division even about?

2019-10-19 11:49:22 UTC  

Something about the NEC and the party Leader

2019-10-19 11:49:30 UTC  

they wont let gerard become leader again I think

2019-10-19 11:49:44 UTC  

or are preventing someone else from trying to be leader

2019-10-19 11:51:17 UTC  

What a fun bunch

2019-10-19 11:55:33 UTC  

What is even going on in UKIP?

2019-10-19 12:04:52 UTC  

I don't know but it's the last thing they need

2019-10-19 12:06:52 UTC  

<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-10-19 12:07:00 UTC  
