Message from @Eccles

Discord ID: 635449052716072960

2019-10-20 12:02:24 UTC  

And they literally are fascist

2019-10-20 12:02:31 UTC  

If they want to control speech

2019-10-20 12:02:58 UTC  

You should be allowed to be actually racist even if it isn’t a good thing to be

2019-10-20 12:04:08 UTC  

Well that's never going to happen

2019-10-20 12:04:11 UTC  

In the UK at least

2019-10-20 12:04:59 UTC  

I dont think people should be able to be racist

2019-10-20 12:05:13 UTC  

what is racist?

2019-10-20 12:05:18 UTC  

theyre free to have racist opinions... but not actually be racist

2019-10-20 12:05:39 UTC  

as in not hire someone because they are white or black or whatever

2019-10-20 12:05:42 UTC  

It depends on what sense

2019-10-20 12:06:03 UTC  

People should be allowed to discriminate as much as they want

2019-10-20 12:06:21 UTC  

It should only be the State that is banned from discriminating based on race

2019-10-20 12:06:32 UTC  

nah I disagree...

2019-10-20 12:06:37 UTC  

Businesses should be allowed to if they want to,

2019-10-20 12:06:41 UTC  

but why are they not hiring somone because they are black or white or whatever?

2019-10-20 12:07:11 UTC  

when you get to small 5ppl companies its not AS much of a problem... but when youre talking big corps... its just bad

2019-10-20 12:07:16 UTC  

It wouldn't actually be a good idea economically if you ban a group of people from working or purchasing things from your business

2019-10-20 12:07:24 UTC  

I don't think any big businesses would

2019-10-20 12:07:29 UTC  

It would cost them too much

2019-10-20 12:07:35 UTC  

Some small businesses might

2019-10-20 12:07:40 UTC  

Yes, but why aren't they hiring someone because they are black or white or whatever?

2019-10-20 12:07:57 UTC  

They should be allowed to hire or not hire someone based on race

2019-10-20 12:08:04 UTC  

It's their business after all

2019-10-20 12:08:20 UTC  

They should be able to choose who they hire or don't hire

2019-10-20 12:08:23 UTC  

well someone in charge of a big corp might say "mUh RePARations" .. and decide not to hire white ppl for example

2019-10-20 12:08:30 UTC  

Well that's racist

2019-10-20 12:08:36 UTC  

That would damage the business too much

2019-10-20 12:08:50 UTC  

depends what area they are in

2019-10-20 12:09:00 UTC  

But my question was designed to give rise to the question "How do you know the decision to hire or not hire a white or black or whatever person was racist"?

2019-10-20 12:09:02 UTC  

Think about all the skilled workers they would lose

2019-10-20 12:09:04 UTC  

in portland USA it might be good for business ;P

2019-10-20 12:09:41 UTC  

@Eccles It shouldn't matter, I believe that a business should be able to hire or not hire someone for any reason

2019-10-20 12:09:51 UTC  

That's clear, lizard

2019-10-20 12:09:53 UTC  

Eccles, I mean like.. if the corp has a policy literally saying, no <insert race>

2019-10-20 12:10:09 UTC  

You're for repealing the human rights act, and I totally support that - there should be no protected characteristics in society

2019-10-20 12:10:34 UTC  

Pretty much

2019-10-20 12:10:40 UTC  

And the Race Relations Act

2019-10-20 12:10:42 UTC  

Why though, wacka? You're assuming their motives

2019-10-20 12:11:38 UTC  

what motive could there be when a corp has a policy of "no <insert race>"?

2019-10-20 12:12:38 UTC  

Racism. Practicality

2019-10-20 12:13:55 UTC  

so its pretty safe to assume the motive is racism then..