Message from @Nathan James 123

Discord ID: 638081275822866495

2019-10-27 16:06:18 UTC  

Well there isn't really much evidence for that since you are assuming intent without any proof

2019-10-27 17:18:20 UTC  

Nigel and Boris will have to sit down and fix that one.

2019-10-27 17:18:53 UTC  
2019-10-27 17:19:38 UTC  

Patrick!!!!!!! Why???????

2019-10-27 17:48:44 UTC  


2019-10-27 17:48:47 UTC  

you are one of the worst to argue with

2019-10-27 17:48:57 UTC  

you deliberately lie about bloody numbers and graphs

2019-10-27 17:49:02 UTC  

to make them fit your narrative

2019-10-27 17:49:09 UTC  

even when the numbers clearly show something else

2019-10-27 18:16:30 UTC  

@Muad'Dib I guarentee patrick stewert doesnt actually believe what he is saying, he is given a script and repeating the same mantra.

2019-10-27 18:17:55 UTC  

All of them have to conform in slne way or another

2019-10-27 18:19:04 UTC  

I'd love to see his Borg face superposed on this clip.

2019-10-27 18:19:04 UTC  

Lol is he using the method acting skill he developed for his role as one of the borg😂

2019-10-27 18:19:46 UTC  


2019-10-27 18:20:17 UTC  

Any decent will not be tollerated

2019-10-27 18:22:29 UTC  

How's the development of the memnic virus coming along? Agent ICE wasn't it.

2019-10-27 18:22:59 UTC  

We need a cure for this! It's like the giddam flood.

2019-10-27 18:23:27 UTC  

Do you know why they call them "actors", because they are playing a role they are told how to act.

2019-10-27 18:24:08 UTC  

(THEY) control everything

2019-10-27 18:27:11 UTC  

Yep, which is why I hardly interact with him @PureEvilPie

2019-10-27 18:27:20 UTC  

Oh and most of the time, he has no sources or evidence for his claims.

2019-10-27 18:27:23 UTC  
2019-10-27 18:27:44 UTC  

Apart from those that are awake.<:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-10-27 18:46:20 UTC  

that vote splitting due to TBP could be a real problem

2019-10-27 18:50:17 UTC  

This is why leaving on time would be a good thing.
Brexit party will fade away once we are out.
Of course parliament wouldn’t allow it

2019-10-27 18:51:07 UTC  

parliament are good at making me hate them more

2019-10-27 18:51:16 UTC  

its just stupid game after stupid game

2019-10-27 18:52:00 UTC  

i was listening to lbc earlier and there was a parade of callers who back various parties and had wildly different brexit opinions, and the common theme was theyre fed up with parliament

2019-10-27 18:52:18 UTC  

one man they kicked off because he wouldnt back down on calling them traitors

2019-10-27 18:52:36 UTC  

Wildly different brexit opinions? It's almost like leave meant a million different things to a million different people and that no deal wasn't what was wanted

2019-10-27 18:53:07 UTC  

Kinda like how on the leave website and from all the leading brexiteers they said norway was a good option

2019-10-27 18:53:16 UTC  

that getting a good deal was going to be easy

2019-10-27 18:53:21 UTC  

that no deal wasn't what was wanted

2019-10-27 18:53:25 UTC  

I'm convinced they're making leaving such a bitch because they're using it as a warning against any other countries who are contemplating leaving to deter them on grounds "look at that cluster-fudge" "ya really want that to happen here!?"

2019-10-27 18:53:28 UTC  

@PureEvilPie the referendums been over for years, you have to move on

2019-10-27 18:53:35 UTC  

it wasnt about the mechanism of leaving, it was people with strong opinions on remaining, or leaving, or doing what we voted to do etc - it was a segment about possible elections

2019-10-27 18:53:41 UTC  

Yea cause that's how it works dub

2019-10-27 18:54:06 UTC  

Nigel "If leave lost the vote 52-48 it is unfinished business"

2019-10-27 18:54:07 UTC  

we had staunch labour, tbp, liberal, tories all calling in. im sure hey cherry picked callers to try to get that spread

2019-10-27 18:54:21 UTC  

I'm just worried for you, your obssessed with replaying and replaying the debates of 2016