Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 636665579587108884

2019-10-23 19:16:09 UTC  

> Sanford L. Segal, a professor of mathematics at the University of Rochester, in his 2003 book Mathematicians Under the Nazis said: "Teichmüller was a gifted, brilliant, and seminal mathematician; he was also a dedicated Nazi."

2019-10-23 19:21:09 UTC  

Oh god no, bad maths does not equal an argument mate. You cannot use index metrics the way racial studies of iq try to use them. Well, not and have any relevance, statstically speaking....

2019-10-23 19:31:40 UTC  

That Sam Harris discussion with Marantz is quite painful to listen.

2019-10-23 19:32:29 UTC  

And even with Harris's preamble that Marantz was actually more woke than he assumed him to be beforehand. That revelation comes to Harris supposedly around 1 hour mark.

2019-10-23 19:33:44 UTC  

But it's already insufferable as Harris and Marantz discuss implementation of Platonist perfect social media censorship, and talk nazi nazi nazi nazi as if they are the only hategroup in America (and not outnumbered by black nationalists).

2019-10-23 19:36:25 UTC  

It's funny how Jews rant all the day about white supremacy, and blacks rant all the day about white supremacy (while being antisemitic in the process, treating Jews as part of whites)... and the **fucking kikes never see the niggers demanding their killing**, they only see the whites.

2019-10-23 19:36:58 UTC  

Why are Jews making it so difficult to not hate them and wanting them all dead? Why? Why are you doing it to yourself?

2019-10-23 19:37:27 UTC  

If second Holocaust was to actually happen **JEWS DESERVED IT**. And every day I'm closer to saying they deserved the first one as well.

2019-10-23 19:37:35 UTC  


2019-10-23 19:40:06 UTC  

If they fear a second Holocaust so much, why don't they just **SHUT THE FUCK UP**? Do the kikes not see that they are acting as cry-bullies at this point-in-time? Are they not self-aware? Or are they evil?

2019-10-23 20:04:09 UTC  


2019-10-23 20:04:42 UTC  

>Selectively listen to people I either fully agree with or am completely opposed to
>Look into the background of those I disagree with, but not the ones I agree with
>See some of them are Jews
>Conclude that all Jews are bad

2019-10-23 20:04:58 UTC  

Double selection bias deluxe

2019-10-23 20:16:53 UTC  

/pol/acks are great

2019-10-23 20:25:26 UTC  

Lol, Marantz just said pretty much that you cannot get into a raceblind society by being raceblind.

2019-10-23 20:25:54 UTC  

It's like... lolwut. I mean if you are raceblind, you achieved the goal immediately. The means is the goal.

2019-10-23 20:27:44 UTC  

When as Marantz was asked how he would achieve raceblindness though race-consciousness, and Marantz just didn't have an answer (despite having suggested race-consciousness few seconds earlier).

2019-10-23 20:36:28 UTC  

@ETBrooD Lol. No. I actually agree a lot with Sam Harris. It just annoys the living shit that he thinks he has the right to be concerned of survival of Jews when attacking whites who sperg out at white replacement. Imo, Sam Harris is a Jewish nazi.

2019-10-23 20:39:36 UTC  

It's just that I've yet to find a single Jew who didn't play sleezy around Jewish identity, even if while otherwise being anti-regressive. Ok, maybe Halsey is that one counterexample that might actually survive scrutiny.

2019-10-23 20:41:23 UTC  

Sam Harris is one individual

2019-10-23 20:41:42 UTC  

And a peculiar one

2019-10-23 20:41:45 UTC  

Go out and meet some normal Jews

2019-10-23 20:41:51 UTC  

Yes. And Marantz is another.

2019-10-23 20:42:40 UTC  

Half of the urinalists who make anti-white hit pieces are Jewish in particular.

2019-10-23 20:43:14 UTC  

And they play that fucking double identity, where they aren't racist because "they are white" but if they are critiqued, that critique is anti-semitic because they suddenly turned Jew again.

2019-10-23 20:43:58 UTC  

Likeminded people band together. If you're Jewish, you're more likely to hang out with other Jews. If you're anti-white, you're more likely to hang out with other anti-whites. If you're both Jewish and anti-white, you're more likely to hang out with anti-white Jews.
Naturally, you'll find clusters of anti-white Jews. This is coincidence and statistically inevitable.

2019-10-23 20:44:20 UTC  

Funny how you equate "Jew" and "anti-white".

2019-10-23 20:44:23 UTC  

yay identity politics

2019-10-23 20:44:25 UTC  

I'm not equating anything

2019-10-23 20:44:34 UTC  

Because you know majority of whites don't hang around exclusive among whites.

2019-10-23 20:44:42 UTC  

I'm telling you that people who have many things in common will hang out together

2019-10-23 20:44:42 UTC  

**Where as Jews do!**

2019-10-23 20:44:45 UTC  

Jews are fucking racists.

2019-10-23 20:44:53 UTC  

And we don't burn them for it.

2019-10-23 20:44:59 UTC  

Well, nazis did. But we don't.

2019-10-23 20:45:04 UTC  

White supremacists are more likely to hang out as well

2019-10-23 20:45:13 UTC  

Does that mean whites are likely to form white supremacy groups?

2019-10-23 20:45:20 UTC  

Again, you equate white supramacists with Jews.

2019-10-23 20:45:24 UTC  

No, I don't

2019-10-23 20:45:29 UTC  

This is complete nonsense

2019-10-23 20:45:32 UTC