Message from @Vander Loonéy
Discord ID: 636149800139489301
mad maxine was fighting a boulder going downhill
i dont see her complaining
i was referring to maxime, the only halfway sane politician in canada
Delet this
Nah, bish
I'll double down
Whachya gon doo, eh?
Nuke it all
I miss my doggu. :/
Your doggu is waiting in fcking Walhalla for you
Had to put my doggo to sleep as well couple days ago
And the faggots that day "dogs don't go to heaven" are having their nuts cracked with Satan's nut cracker
Bruh I was told that heaps as a kid and was like wtf why
If they happen to be females they give them just nuts
Poor 9yo Sama
Because fck em
Never trust anybody that doesn't like dogs
Human supremacy now
Fuck the animals
And the rain forest
WHITE human supremacy. Heard some yellow skins ready dogs
Blacks have some use
I did say human