Message from @Pinkstoo

Discord ID: 636496029038149632

2019-10-23 08:35:23 UTC  

As unbelievable as that is, and obvious bollocks. You can bend the barrel of a gun and still have it shoot perfectly fine.

2019-10-23 08:42:38 UTC  

The real question is, why would the nazis waste shotguns like that?

2019-10-23 08:43:10 UTC  

*because its fucking retarded and didnt happen?*

2019-10-23 08:44:37 UTC  

Cause it was a prototype for guns that shoot the shooter in order for the Germans to feel heroic charging into combat while shooting themselves.

2019-10-23 08:51:11 UTC  

180 degree curve is a bit much though. I doubt there would be any barrel design/modification that would work at such an angle.

2019-10-23 08:54:56 UTC

2019-10-23 08:57:07 UTC  

you're missing the part where they bend a metal barrel back on itself like its made out of rubber

2019-10-23 09:03:02 UTC  

Yeah because an emaciated Jewish prisoner can bend a metal barrel 180 degrees

2019-10-23 09:08:10 UTC  

can you not

2019-10-23 09:13:04 UTC

2019-10-23 09:21:44 UTC  

its a shame we dont know the last name of the guy who invented the lightbulb

2019-10-23 09:21:57 UTC  

you know, Thomas, Eddy's son

2019-10-23 09:22:40 UTC  

What a shit dad joke

2019-10-23 09:22:48 UTC  

But I like it for some reason

2019-10-23 09:23:01 UTC  

Life has many doors, Eddy boy

2019-10-23 09:23:18 UTC  

Ed boy

2019-10-23 09:26:53 UTC

2019-10-23 09:27:18 UTC  

“Communists aren’t people”

2019-10-23 09:27:49 UTC  

he's arguing for how its not traumatizing for the one pushing

2019-10-23 09:27:58 UTC  

"I wouldn't even rape you"

2019-10-23 09:28:01 UTC  

Ah I see

2019-10-23 09:28:02 UTC  

change my mind

2019-10-23 09:28:15 UTC  

or an alternate title

2019-10-23 09:28:19 UTC  

my anus is nice

2019-10-23 09:28:19 UTC  

Convince me to rape you

2019-10-23 09:28:22 UTC  

He should actually do that imao

2019-10-23 09:28:32 UTC  

rape her ?

2019-10-23 09:28:50 UTC  

"You deserve rape." Change My Mind

2019-10-23 09:29:05 UTC  


2019-10-23 09:29:44 UTC  

“Convince me to rape you “ next to ms paint Sargon change my mind png

2019-10-23 09:29:44 UTC  

we need to control speech or people will get the wrong ideas and do crazy things... CONCENTRATION CAMPS ARE ON THE BORDER TRUMP IS HITLER

2019-10-23 09:30:13 UTC

2019-10-23 09:30:37 UTC  

@Jarko dude you have no idea

2019-10-23 09:30:42 UTC  

call me a fag or whatever

2019-10-23 09:30:53 UTC  

but I've been smoking cigarettes for like a year

2019-10-23 09:31:10 UTC  

this year my state changed the age for buying tobacco

2019-10-23 09:31:14 UTC  

from 18 to 21

2019-10-23 09:31:14 UTC  

haha you smoke fags

2019-10-23 09:31:25 UTC  

black on black crime. they out o chicken n melons