Message from @Boop / 브파 / C'thUwU
Discord ID: 637387002773241868
@SneekiBreeki yes, thank you
Ritsuko is smart-sexy
Gotta love Nazi cherry-picking and quote-mining.
>"The celebrated heroes of a historical war weren't saints"
le gasp
well most of them weren't
Winston Churchill
> The unforgivable sin of Hitler's Germany was to develop a new economic system by which the international bankers were deprived of their profits.
hacksaw ridge is an exception
Hitler is a saint to some...
By now, likely
alright I'm beyond pissed
neither of my go-to hentai boards have any Ritsuko R34
@Neutron-Bong™ Well....Hitler viewed the Muslims as a necessary evil, much like the Japs
he considered them "Honorary Aryans" AFAIK
No one else found her sexy in Evangelion?
Nobody did.
fuckin poofs, the lot of you
Lots of people like Ritsuko
Being attracted to cartoons is something I cannot fathom
its a matter of pattern recognition
curvature and shape
this is not an ass
but we see it as an ass
As a human I can disprove this hypothesis by existing
thats your concious mind
not unconscious
theres plenty of stuff going on under the hood you dont know is there
There are very few animu babes I lust for
not even the most common big titties lazy fanservice ones
I am quite aware of such things like paredolia and human brains being pattern seeking machines but I am sorry that I can personally determine the difference
if people could know their brain well enough, we wouldnt need psychologists or therapists
your conscious mind can tell the different
your reproduction centers do not
why is this the dick emoji
it isnt a dick