Message from @svarozhyc

Discord ID: 635052952876482571

2019-10-19 09:50:27 UTC  

Slightly possible maybe

2019-10-19 09:50:40 UTC  

It's very unclear at this point I don't think

2019-10-19 09:50:47 UTC  

They really kicking off about this Irish border though

2019-10-19 09:50:51 UTC  

I reckon it'd take the EU to throw uk out

2019-10-19 09:51:12 UTC  

I think the EU should tbh

2019-10-19 09:51:20 UTC  

Because the UK parliament wont do it

2019-10-19 09:51:24 UTC  

@Hommedaction It is? I have the entire article under the link

2019-10-19 09:51:30 UTC  


2019-10-19 09:51:33 UTC  

The remain crowd is bigger in parliament and basically have control

2019-10-19 09:51:41 UTC  

Hungary and France should veto anything and fuckit

2019-10-19 09:51:54 UTC  

France wont veto, they need the UK to remain to pay

2019-10-19 09:52:05 UTC  

Hungary could go either way, my money is on Greece or Poland

2019-10-19 09:52:07 UTC  


2019-10-19 09:52:23 UTC  

As if eastern europeans weren't taking more money than westerners

2019-10-19 09:53:02 UTC  

They are, but if the UK leaves both France and Germany will have to pay more- so neither of those are going to vote in favour of leave

2019-10-19 09:53:02 UTC  

We'll see what happens. I genuinely hate the fact that the remainers gave the EU all the power, its why Boris had to go back with a bad deal like he has. But we'll see what happens.

2019-10-19 09:53:09 UTC  

Being black pilled is retarded, though.

2019-10-19 09:53:25 UTC  

Literally the people of the UK have more sense than parliament at this point

2019-10-19 09:53:26 UTC  

But then eastern have a concept of honour and understanding the will of ppl v elites

2019-10-19 09:53:40 UTC  

I think that's always been the case, Storin

2019-10-19 09:53:42 UTC  

But the dough tho lol

2019-10-19 09:53:49 UTC  

We are the sovereign, not parliament

2019-10-19 09:53:52 UTC  

Not a call to action but i've never hoped more than now that they are all taken round the back and put in a shallow grave

2019-10-19 09:54:17 UTC  

Should've hanged them all when it was in vogue

2019-10-19 09:54:33 UTC  

We are literally watching treason- as defined by parliament, which is truly ironic

2019-10-19 09:54:34 UTC  

What did you keep elites alive for :p

2019-10-19 09:54:56 UTC  

Yeah it's also fucking obvious

2019-10-19 09:55:29 UTC  

How big a portion of the pop buys parliament's bs?

2019-10-19 09:55:39 UTC  


2019-10-19 09:55:41 UTC  


2019-10-19 09:55:42 UTC  

Because the British attitude- keep calm and carry on

2019-10-19 09:55:58 UTC  

British will salute the flag as the ship sinks

2019-10-19 09:56:00 UTC  

There is never going to be an uprising on this island even when it goes to shite

2019-10-19 09:56:22 UTC  


2019-10-19 09:56:24 UTC  


2019-10-19 09:56:34 UTC  

There were riots before lol

2019-10-19 09:56:38 UTC  

The Scots and Irish in particular might rattle sabre but they aren't going to even have an open vote on leaving the UK.... <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-10-19 09:56:47 UTC  

Those London riots were predominantly foreigners tbh

2019-10-19 09:57:04 UTC  

I remember them

2019-10-19 09:57:13 UTC  

You shouldn't have given shit to eastern euros man hehe

2019-10-19 09:57:35 UTC  

We can riot ok for freedom yours and ours, it's a phrase we learn even :p