Message from @Eccles

Discord ID: 626178703751118859

2019-09-24 22:07:54 UTC  

Corbyn will step aside for it

2019-09-24 22:08:07 UTC  

Corbyn is a Brexiteer at heart

2019-09-24 22:08:10 UTC  

He ain't

2019-09-24 22:08:11 UTC  

He won't do it

2019-09-24 22:08:26 UTC  

He is only staying on the fence because his part is Remain

2019-09-24 22:08:30 UTC  

He's been advocating for it for 20 years

2019-09-24 22:08:41 UTC  

I don't care what he's been advocating for - he's a party animal

2019-09-24 22:08:42 UTC  

Nearly every Socialist and Communist party in the country supports leaving

2019-09-24 22:09:09 UTC  

Whatever waffle you want to put forward, we won't be leaving the EU on 31st of October

2019-09-24 22:09:11 UTC  

This is actually the one thing that the radical right and the radical left agree on

2019-09-24 22:09:15 UTC  

He won't step aside, he wants power too much

2019-09-24 22:09:30 UTC  

What happens between now and the general election will be the estalbishment throwing everything + the kitchen sink to sink Boris + the Tories

2019-09-24 22:09:33 UTC  

I still stand by my earlier prediction that we will get a No Deal

2019-09-24 22:09:40 UTC  

Not a hope

2019-09-24 22:10:01 UTC  

The only options are no deal and remain and remain is intolerable

2019-09-24 22:10:07 UTC  

GE is called, Conservatives get a majority, Repeal the Bill, Leave without a deal

2019-09-24 22:10:12 UTC  


2019-09-24 22:10:13 UTC  

The english will not tolerate it

2019-09-24 22:10:28 UTC  

FUck sake

2019-09-24 22:10:32 UTC  

the working class you mean

2019-09-24 22:10:36 UTC  

Conservatives won't go for a no deal

2019-09-24 22:10:43 UTC  

Not openly

2019-09-24 22:10:45 UTC  

And there's no guarantee Conservatives will get a majority

2019-09-24 22:10:48 UTC  

They will in private

2019-09-24 22:10:57 UTC  

It's a minority view in the Conservative parliamentary party, lizard

2019-09-24 22:11:02 UTC  

It's the most likely scenario by far

2019-09-24 22:11:06 UTC  

THe Conservatives are -not- the Brexit party

2019-09-24 22:11:07 UTC  

Even if an election is called boris decides when parliament reconvenes

2019-09-24 22:11:19 UTC  

That's not strictly true, Andy

2019-09-24 22:11:20 UTC  

Boris will have a reason to force it

2019-09-24 22:11:25 UTC  

it'll be either majority Tories or Brexit party

2019-09-24 22:11:36 UTC  

Given that he has being saving Brexit on the 31st no matter what for a while

2019-09-24 22:11:37 UTC  

Brexit party will have half a dozen seats tops

2019-09-24 22:11:44 UTC  

Tory majority or coalition with BP

2019-09-24 22:11:56 UTC  

i'm happy with either

2019-09-24 22:11:56 UTC  

The best predictions for the BXP are giving them 50

2019-09-24 22:11:57 UTC  

That's what all the polling says

2019-09-24 22:12:01 UTC  


2019-09-24 22:12:05 UTC  


2019-09-24 22:12:18 UTC  

Most are giving them 1 or 2

2019-09-24 22:12:24 UTC  

You can't just go "BXP are polling x, therefore y seats"