Message from @The Electric Lizard

Discord ID: 626540509988519947

2019-09-25 21:37:36 UTC  

He might have had a contingency for this. He might not.

2019-09-25 21:37:48 UTC  

This might be the plan

2019-09-25 21:37:50 UTC  

Who knows

2019-09-25 21:38:01 UTC  

We can only judge completely in retrospect

2019-09-25 21:38:05 UTC  

Just enjoy the game

2019-09-25 21:38:27 UTC  

Id enjoy it a lot more if I knew how it'd end

2019-09-25 21:38:36 UTC  

Ok wizard

2019-09-25 21:38:38 UTC  

Chill out

2019-09-25 21:42:21 UTC  

Sounding more and more like the USSR everyday

2019-09-25 21:42:48 UTC  

I think they'd call him too left to get elected in the USSR

2019-09-25 21:45:23 UTC  

To much of a pussy you mean

2019-09-25 21:45:33 UTC  

Man the USSR would fucking kill him

2019-09-25 21:45:55 UTC  

wish they would

2019-09-25 21:49:09 UTC  

is mogg talking about anything interesting?

2019-09-25 21:50:06 UTC  

Respect women. Stop being racist.

2019-09-25 22:00:00 UTC  

Trending in the UK
Surrender Act 16.9K Tweets
#SurrenderBill 7.5K tweets
Jo Cox, Trending with #Parliament, #DeadParliament

2019-09-25 22:00:08 UTC  

heh, jo cox trending with dead parliament

2019-09-25 22:07:11 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:08:18 UTC  

The Conservatives might hold their majority

2019-09-25 22:27:51 UTC  

dood why is Nigel not on that list

2019-09-25 22:27:54 UTC  


2019-09-25 22:32:22 UTC  

The fucking gumption involved
Tony blair is fucking stunning
The man literally set up a new superior court
And gave himself sole nominating power over every member of that court
Who to everyone's shock, serve their interest
And then he also makes it so after he's done stacking the courts
The new appointment process involves 2 members of the supreme court he put in place and 3 members of various other courts

2019-09-25 22:33:13 UTC  

Literally inventing a judicial body, stacking it with your own supporters and then removing anyone elses power to elect members

2019-09-25 22:55:29 UTC  

B.liar did a lot of damage to this country 😦

2019-09-25 23:19:44 UTC  

More people should be talking about this
Labour going full open borders with healthcare and voting for all in their next manifesto. I'd expect even if 100% of people supported them on brexit, they would be thrashed at the next election as they lose all votes in urban and suburban areas apart from the very city centres.
If bet this will be worse than the conservative 2017 manifesto in terms of damage to the party. Not a single working class person will vote for open borders with nhs and voting rights for everyone

2019-09-25 23:32:15 UTC  

I wouldn’t be surprised to see massive amounts of electoral fraud for labour in the next GE.
Whenever it arrives

2019-09-25 23:36:08 UTC  

Oh bloody hell yeah.

2019-09-25 23:36:18 UTC  

But also, beware of mass fraud.

2019-09-25 23:38:59 UTC  

i think if labour win all buisnesses should just outright stop paying taxes

2019-09-25 23:39:06 UTC  

ALL buisness

2019-09-25 23:39:33 UTC  

communist parasites shouldn't be given any power in this country EVER!

2019-09-25 23:50:06 UTC  

The rich people could always run to the “supreme court” and stop the labour government from passing anything

2019-09-25 23:50:31 UTC  


2019-09-25 23:50:54 UTC  

Then Labour try to pass more shit t make the rich less rich.

2019-09-26 00:24:58 UTC  

The battle of the chins.