Message from @SC01

Discord ID: 626539945863020547

2019-09-25 02:05:38 UTC  

not everyone needs to be 100IQ

2019-09-25 02:05:46 UTC  

just above 90 will suffice in most cases

2019-09-25 02:06:57 UTC  

kinda, yeah, but there are better ways to frame that.
As long as people get to do their thing in peace none of that matters beyond academic interest.

2019-09-25 19:41:48 UTC  

IQ is just like taking a school exam. It measures your performance on that exam, but it doesnt measure your inteligence.

2019-09-25 19:55:26 UTC  

Even the wiki says it is very good in the field of psychology

2019-09-25 20:13:37 UTC  

People always deny science when it goes against their religion-I mean ideology. What was the difference again?

2019-09-25 20:42:23 UTC  

“Yeah man who’s Thomas Aquinas? What were the dark ages? What was the Renaissance?”

2019-09-25 20:42:49 UTC  

Are you purposefully trying to seem historically illiterate or are you just naturally that way

2019-09-25 20:51:18 UTC  

The thing is, psychometricians can't determine exactly what is the best way to calculate IQ. Just like an econometrican can't predict a recession just like that. I have plenty of experience dealing with psychologists and human behaviour analysts, and from my experience I know that most of the decisions they take arent right. Im not going to share my personal stories, because thatd be anecdotal evidence. But a psychologist can’t know what is the best for you. You cannot let anybody set the life for you. You can take advices, but you cannot fully transform your life in conformity to what the others (including psychologists) think is the best for you. Only you can know what is the best for you, and how to leave your own mess. Thats why antidepressives or psychologists are really inefficient at fighting human depressions.
I don't know what is the best IQ test out there (probably Mensa), but it still doesn't objectively measure human intelligence. An African can move to USA and instantly his IQ moves to 100 points easily. If you had no education and lived in, lets say, a country that provides with no education for the population. If you don’t learn how to write, or how to divide or do simple maths, then you cant do an IQ test. What would be your IQ there? But now, with an education? Surely, your IQ would be different. Why? Because IQ tests are basically as good as measuring intelligence as a school test is. Many intellectuals hated school by the way.
“because I ran into difficulties with my teachers, who were irritated by the combination of obvious ability and laziness and lack of interest I showed. . . . I consistently neglected my homework, counting on picking up enough during lessons to scrape through.” - Hayek

2019-09-25 21:51:11 UTC  

@SC01 Two things can both be true. IQ tests are not the only predictor of success. IQ tests are the strongest predictor of success.
The correlation between IQ and success is the highest out of all other factors that we know of at the moment. This can't be denied, it's been proven many times.

2019-09-25 21:52:55 UTC  

Does it mean you will be successful if you have a high IQ? No. Unsuccessful if you have a low IQ? No. It's not a guarantee, it's just a predictor.
It can therefore also not guarantee in which areas exactly you're going to be (un)successful. It's just a good predictor, not set in stone.

2019-09-25 21:53:59 UTC  

It also "only" has a 0.5 correlation, which is the highest that exists, but nowhere near high enough that you can guarantee anything about individuals, or even small groups of people.

2019-09-25 21:54:31 UTC  

This correlation of 0.5 is strong on a very large scale, when deviation becomes virtually meaningless.

2019-09-25 21:59:07 UTC  

And I'm not saying we should ignore the exceptions. They exist, they're meaningful, and we should study them. But we don't use them for predictions about unknown individuals.

2019-09-25 22:00:14 UTC  

Likewise if individuals fall outside the standard range, we don't say this disproves the rule

2019-09-25 22:00:23 UTC  

Or that the rule should be ignored

2019-09-25 22:00:35 UTC  

IQ should be considered, just not taken as the holy grail

2019-09-25 22:06:03 UTC  

IQ is just like school tests, it may test sucess with some limitations, but it sure doesnt measure inteligence.

2019-09-25 22:27:02 UTC  

its the best quantifyable indicator there is

2019-09-25 22:28:43 UTC  

iq is a measure of problem solving speed, which would include by nature, certain knowledge retention and recallection

2019-09-25 22:30:28 UTC  

also intellectuals hate school because school is a confined space based on the slowest students, collectivising children because one-on-one isnt possible

2019-09-25 22:31:10 UTC  

so they follow a curriculum, something intellectuals dont operate well with because it isnt their speed

2019-09-25 22:32:17 UTC  

doesnt mean iq tests are wrong because smart people didnt like school itself, which is a seperate thing from an iq test

2019-09-25 22:35:41 UTC  

also i see mention of Hayek and a picture of Einstein, and for them, they were in a different time period where schooling was still relatively new

2019-09-25 22:36:06 UTC  

psychology didnt even take off until the mid 1900s

2019-09-25 23:30:10 UTC  

I wonder if Boris will become Risto Ryti for UK. Probably not. Not enough backbone.
And by that I mean, that he does what is best for his country, and gets convicted and jailed for it, become national martyr.
Risto Ryti got 10 years of hard labor conviction for signing an alliance with Hitler, saving the country's independence in the process. I doubt there's a threat that Boris would suffer comparable punishment even he did break the law and refuse to ask for extension.

2019-09-25 23:30:33 UTC  


2019-09-26 00:22:02 UTC  

It's always IQ denial hour when it comes to regressives.

2019-09-26 00:22:53 UTC  

Btw, it's funny (but sad) how the most politically incorrect of Four Horsemen turns full TYT just because of TDS:

2019-09-26 00:23:37 UTC  

Meanwhile he refuses to have a discussion with anyone in the shitlord-sphere, because he only talks to intellectuals.

2019-09-26 00:23:56 UTC  

(And he has no shortage of Antifa professors and lunatics to talk with.)

2019-09-26 00:27:51 UTC  

I guess when he vehemently disagrees with someone, at least it's interesting for him

2019-09-26 00:28:40 UTC  

Do you claim that Harris disagrees with Antifa more than with Sargon?

2019-09-26 00:28:42 UTC  

sam harris is a poser

2019-09-26 00:28:54 UTC  

hes a fake intellect

2019-09-26 00:29:00 UTC  

I'm pretty sure Sam Harris barely knows anything about AntiFa

2019-09-26 00:29:13 UTC  

he thinks hes smart because he read dawkins and is atheist

2019-09-26 00:29:19 UTC  

like most atheists