Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 625831416483151872

2019-09-23 23:03:55 UTC  

Whites are dead and they don't even know it. Jews are next, with all of europe and the ME being Arabic.

2019-09-23 23:04:19 UTC  

Then its just Spanish America and China, with Russia hanging in the wings

2019-09-23 23:04:42 UTC  

it isn't acceptable full stop

2019-09-23 23:04:50 UTC  

Sounds a lil hyperbolic

2019-09-23 23:04:59 UTC  

And Africa pumping out babies like a factory.

2019-09-23 23:05:16 UTC  

Rest of the world might go negative replacement rate, but Africa will continue to be a cancer.

2019-09-23 23:05:23 UTC  

mass deport. draw a hardline on africa and send all eu border hoppers back or get raped to death by them too

2019-09-23 23:05:45 UTC  

Nuke Africa.

2019-09-23 23:05:50 UTC  

lots of Africans go to portugal because they know the state there will just hand them a passport to fuck off

2019-09-23 23:06:05 UTC  

then they come to London and join a moped gang

2019-09-23 23:06:07 UTC  

Remove fried chicken.

2019-09-23 23:06:38 UTC  

Seen it first hand "I'm portugeuse" can barely speak english with a heavy african accent

2019-09-23 23:07:19 UTC  

I was detained at roadside by a police sergeant, asking why I am “following everybody around.” He pulled me over while I was following the campaign bus, trying to figure out location of next campaign stop. After I explained, I was held for nearly 15 minutes. Who gave this order?

2019-09-23 23:07:25 UTC  

Lets not forget who caused this

2019-09-23 23:07:32 UTC  

Who *actually* caused this

2019-09-23 23:07:36 UTC  


2019-09-23 23:09:06 UTC  

Number one rule: men want respect. Women want to be adored. This is why men and women have inherently different interests when it comes to the nation state.

2019-09-23 23:09:13 UTC  

Who is Andrew Lawton? And who's campaign buss he was following? Is the USA?

2019-09-23 23:09:55 UTC  

Is he media?

2019-09-23 23:10:30 UTC  

Women aren't the cause, they're just a useful tool, their own psychology used against them

2019-09-23 23:10:37 UTC  

And if he was covering liberal candidate campaigns, who's bus was he following? Biden? Warren? Bernie?

2019-09-23 23:10:41 UTC  

safety and security over liberty

2019-09-23 23:11:04 UTC  

Men do the bidding of women because women are now the ones with the power over their sex life.

2019-09-23 23:11:04 UTC  

Tweets always annoy me because they are always devoid of relevant context.

2019-09-23 23:11:24 UTC  

Women have 100% reproductive rights, men not even half.

2019-09-23 23:11:37 UTC  

I dunno about that, men have walked away in droves and retreated into their rooms

2019-09-23 23:11:49 UTC  

virginity is pushing thirties

2019-09-23 23:11:53 UTC  

A very small minority

2019-09-23 23:12:06 UTC  

hell im a 27yr old virgin, and all my friends are 25yr old virgins

2019-09-23 23:12:11 UTC  

This group is increasing, but very very slowly, and there's a significant pushback.

2019-09-23 23:12:16 UTC  

there's 7 of us

2019-09-23 23:12:21 UTC  

its more prominent than you think

2019-09-23 23:12:41 UTC  

women treat you like shit for being a 'nerd' then suck up to at thirty because no one wants them

2019-09-23 23:12:44 UTC  

Don't you realize this trend is only increasing immigration?

2019-09-23 23:12:57 UTC  

its part and parcel of immigration

2019-09-23 23:12:58 UTC  

Women want the dick either way, they'll get it

2019-09-23 23:13:13 UTC  

high iq cattle ask too many questions

2019-09-23 23:13:21 UTC  

low iq cattle? Do what the state says

2019-09-23 23:13:30 UTC  

Yeah, so

2019-09-23 23:13:35 UTC  

Walking away is only half the solution

2019-09-23 23:13:50 UTC  

The second half, no one is ready to do