Message from @Violetskies
Discord ID: 625830278094389255
that's where bargaining for land, money, influence came into play
or joining two houses (and their resources) into one
A man purchased access to a womb and promised to provide provision to the womb carrier. Also marriage came with bribes paid to the parents of the bride.
dowries aren't exactly bribes, more like services rendered
not that I'm defending it either way
arranged marriages are making a comeback
for whites?
Certainly not in the west
like people have told me they would've preferred it
Why is arranged marriages bad if Chinese do it to women in other Asian countries, but OK if whitey were to do it?
Whites are dead and they don't even know it. Jews are next, with all of europe and the ME being Arabic.
Then its just Spanish America and China, with Russia hanging in the wings
it isn't acceptable full stop
Sounds a lil hyperbolic
And Africa pumping out babies like a factory.
Rest of the world might go negative replacement rate, but Africa will continue to be a cancer.
mass deport. draw a hardline on africa and send all eu border hoppers back or get raped to death by them too
Nuke Africa.
lots of Africans go to portugal because they know the state there will just hand them a passport to fuck off
Remove fried chicken.
Seen it first hand "I'm portugeuse" can barely speak english with a heavy african accent
I was detained at roadside by a police sergeant, asking why I am “following everybody around.” He pulled me over while I was following the campaign bus, trying to figure out location of next campaign stop. After I explained, I was held for nearly 15 minutes. Who gave this order?
Lets not forget who caused this
Who *actually* caused this
Number one rule: men want respect. Women want to be adored. This is why men and women have inherently different interests when it comes to the nation state.
Who is Andrew Lawton? And who's campaign buss he was following? Is the USA?
Is he media?
Women aren't the cause, they're just a useful tool, their own psychology used against them
And if he was covering liberal candidate campaigns, who's bus was he following? Biden? Warren? Bernie?
safety and security over liberty
Men do the bidding of women because women are now the ones with the power over their sex life.
Tweets always annoy me because they are always devoid of relevant context.
Women have 100% reproductive rights, men not even half.
I dunno about that, men have walked away in droves and retreated into their rooms
virginity is pushing thirties
A very small minority
hell im a 27yr old virgin, and all my friends are 25yr old virgins
This group is increasing, but very very slowly, and there's a significant pushback.