Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 625843853127319552

2019-09-23 23:12:41 UTC  

women treat you like shit for being a 'nerd' then suck up to at thirty because no one wants them

2019-09-23 23:12:44 UTC  

Don't you realize this trend is only increasing immigration?

2019-09-23 23:12:57 UTC  

its part and parcel of immigration

2019-09-23 23:12:58 UTC  

Women want the dick either way, they'll get it

2019-09-23 23:13:13 UTC  

high iq cattle ask too many questions

2019-09-23 23:13:21 UTC  

low iq cattle? Do what the state says

2019-09-23 23:13:30 UTC  

Yeah, so

2019-09-23 23:13:35 UTC  

Walking away is only half the solution

2019-09-23 23:13:50 UTC  

The second half, no one is ready to do

2019-09-23 23:13:54 UTC  

Stop paying taxes

2019-09-23 23:14:07 UTC  

Because that will cause mass arrests, destroyed lives, potentially war

2019-09-23 23:14:12 UTC  

The suffering will be massive

2019-09-23 23:14:24 UTC  

Walking away is easy

2019-09-23 23:15:10 UTC  

The Hong Kong - China conflict is a warning for the west

2019-09-23 23:15:21 UTC  

They have begun what we should've done long ago

2019-09-23 23:16:37 UTC  

The alternative to not paying taxes is mass flight, but that's equally unlikely

2019-09-23 23:54:16 UTC  

[Home > News > International News]
UK: Judge Releases Mother Who Went Clubbing With Infant Who Died While She Was Partying
Another Stunning Case of Female Privilege
-Mom goes out with her baby
-gets hammered
-throws baby up in the air on CCTV
-passes out
-rolls onto infant
-kills infant
-freed from prison

female privilege?
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2019-09-23 23:55:40 UTC  

[Home > Culture]
ZOOPHILIA: Three Hens Rescued From Elderly Poultry Rapist
The Birds Were Subjected to Tremendous Sexual Cruelty By Their Zoophile Caretaker
In Colombia, police were called to the house of an elderly man who was seen by neighbors and a video on social media where he r*ped THREE of his hens.

He faces prison and a fine of $1200

The hens are OK, but shaken up after the ordeal
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2019-09-23 23:57:28 UTC  

@Snake Regarding the topic at an earlier day, if you are interested in Finnish Pagan lore:

2019-09-23 23:57:51 UTC  

They don't have a bad take on it, even though they completely butcher pronounciation of Finnish and Swedish names.

2019-09-24 00:00:02 UTC  

Although it doesn't really capture the full depth of the fact that Kalevala is a song... a very, very, very long song.

2019-09-24 00:00:11 UTC  

It's like a collection of thousand haikus.

2019-09-24 00:01:42 UTC  

And (at least to me) the folkish wisdom of Kalevala far surpasses any "metaphorical truth" of Christianity.

2019-09-24 00:08:46 UTC  

In fact, the poem that were collected into Kalevala have been a source of nationalistic pride well into 20th century, and the lore was incorporated even into some of the military marches (such as: )

2019-09-24 00:10:59 UTC  

They make anything an illness with no factual stats...

2019-09-24 00:11:06 UTC  

so being dehydrated is an illness

2019-09-24 00:11:19 UTC  

but thinking youre 19 different genders depending how you feel is hate speech

2019-09-24 00:11:36 UTC  

Yeah, wow...
I can't believe dehydrating your body can be considered an illness.

2019-09-24 00:11:47 UTC  

What are the odds.

2019-09-24 00:12:13 UTC  

If you advertise water as a medicide to dehydration, you'd likely face legal trouble on most countries.

2019-09-24 00:12:49 UTC  

In fact, I'm pretty sure companies have already gotten in trouble for advertising water as something that re-hydrates a dehydrated body.

2019-09-24 00:13:10 UTC  

Because they aren't a pharmacy and cannot sell medical remedies.

2019-09-24 00:13:19 UTC  

So, it's illegal to rehydrate, a dehydrated body in that sense.?

2019-09-24 00:13:34 UTC  


2019-09-24 00:13:38 UTC  


2019-09-24 00:13:39 UTC  

Without a medical career.

2019-09-24 00:13:48 UTC  

It's not illegal to drink water. It's just illegal to claim water as a medicine for dehydration.

2019-09-24 00:13:58 UTC  

Well damn.

2019-09-24 00:13:59 UTC  

Because water probably hasn't passed medical tests.

2019-09-24 00:14:30 UTC  

Why would any company go through millions of dollars of medical testing if they cannot even patent water as their intellectual monopoly?