Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 627234203079278603

2019-09-27 19:52:33 UTC  

um, having grown up on a cattle ranch, i can tell you they do just fine in winter. all they care about it that you leave some hay out for them.

2019-09-27 19:52:48 UTC  

What you just said exemplifies anti-socialist idiocy: because everyone produces X, production of X shouldn't be reduced.

2019-09-27 19:53:02 UTC  

i didn't say that

2019-09-27 19:53:11 UTC  

Where do you live?

2019-09-27 19:53:20 UTC  

Like, on what latitude.

2019-09-27 19:53:21 UTC  

i'm just saying that the cow fart hysteria is unwarranted

2019-09-27 19:53:52 UTC  

at a latitude that gets snow every year

2019-09-27 19:54:05 UTC  

It might be unwarranted, as in, unlike CO2, methane does break up eventually.

2019-09-27 19:54:18 UTC  

(If it didn't Earth's atmosphere would be quite toxic.)

2019-09-27 19:55:02 UTC  

CO2 does not break up, unfortunately, since it's in a very low-energy state.

2019-09-27 19:55:43 UTC  

sure, you might not want to go around *trying* to pump *extra* in to the air; but i'm sure that bogs/swamps produce more methane that cow farts

2019-09-27 19:56:38 UTC  

methane is just decaying biomass

2019-09-27 19:58:48 UTC  

and i'd wager that we don't have any more cows today (in america) than we had bison roaming the plains 300 yrs ago .... you know, the ones that people lament over having their populations almost extincted (and never really recovered)

2019-09-27 19:59:21 UTC  

surely they were responsible for at least as much methane than cows today

2019-09-27 20:02:14 UTC  

Well, mentioning methane output of cows is still relevant, compared to humans eating more plants themselves.

2019-09-27 20:03:40 UTC  

I still don't understand the maths where supposedly herbivore diet causes more animal suffering because the need to kill pests at the field. (Where as supposedly pests don't need killing in the fields growing food for cows, who eat tens times more to produce similar weight of edible meat.)

2019-09-27 20:04:21 UTC  

It's the problem especially with cattle: they are very inefficient at building bodymass of edible meat. Pigs grow fatter faster.

2019-09-27 20:04:26 UTC  

Not to mention chicken.

2019-09-27 20:04:30 UTC  

cuz spinach can't defend itself

2019-09-27 20:04:44 UTC  

But spinach that is fed to a cow can?

2019-09-27 20:04:47 UTC  

Are you a retard?

2019-09-27 20:05:05 UTC  

cows and pigs do a pretty good job of chasing pests away themselves

2019-09-27 20:05:11 UTC  

How does food grown for human need defending but that grown for cows is capable of self-defense?

2019-09-27 20:05:13 UTC  

cows don't eat human food

2019-09-27 20:05:26 UTC  

Wheat is not human food?

2019-09-27 20:05:26 UTC  

cows eat grass/straw/hay

2019-09-27 20:06:20 UTC  

cow food doesn't need to be cultivated. it just grows by itself all wild and stuff

2019-09-27 20:06:40 UTC  

wheat? who tf feeds them wheat?

2019-09-27 20:07:05 UTC  

Not even the stalks?

2019-09-27 20:07:10 UTC  


2019-09-27 20:07:18 UTC  

grass. they eat grass.

2019-09-27 20:07:25 UTC  


2019-09-27 20:07:29 UTC  


2019-09-27 20:07:52 UTC  

that shit grows everywhere -- it can't not grow

2019-09-27 20:08:12 UTC  

Well, that's when they are grazing.

2019-09-27 20:08:44 UTC  

I'm just not aware of the countless animals killed to protect wheat.

2019-09-27 20:09:02 UTC  

Conservatives always claim countless animals are killed to protect it.

2019-09-27 20:09:04 UTC  

and that's also what you bail, for them to eat when they can't graze

2019-09-27 20:09:15 UTC  

To the point that carnivorism is animal protection.

2019-09-27 20:10:14 UTC  

um, i know there's an argument that says that you would necessitate an total genocide every livestock animal if we all go vegan

2019-09-27 20:10:38 UTC  

And that's the most retarded of all arguments.