Message from @Coolitic
Discord ID: 626217468066791424
Chainmail overall for best training
He only asked for a shirt
My legs are already tree trunks
If you want a properly made one I'd say 200
You will also make yourself somewhat stab-safe
Definitely slice-safe
100% slash resistance
I need to get some more money and order a chainmail overall
it's loli
not cp
Memes page has become soft core hentai
drawn dawg
It's not an age gated site
ur right
but degen regardless
Still nudity
By law, loli is cp
Depends on the country
And even the state
same thing
Man's law, not God's.
Allah you say
Halal Loli
loli isnt illegal
Dio beating down Steely Dan (2019, colorized)
Loli is Holy in the eyes of the Lord.
<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> <:pepegun:588019479401726001>