Message from @Snake

Discord ID: 627857430709141555

2019-09-29 13:18:21 UTC  

im joking ..........

2019-09-29 13:18:35 UTC  

I 100% don't care what they say

2019-09-29 13:19:07 UTC  

Burn it down

2019-09-29 13:19:08 UTC  

Flaming arrow

2019-09-29 13:19:28 UTC  

Is a hate symbol according to the ADL

2019-09-29 13:19:34 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:19:35 UTC  

Well, think about it. If the left thinks you can't deradicalize words and symbols, imagine what they think of the actual people.

2019-09-29 13:19:38 UTC  

Holy shit

2019-09-29 13:19:40 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:20:29 UTC  

Man I hope you have ways of dealing with those antifa guys peacefully

2019-09-29 13:20:44 UTC  

ADL are just a jewish partisan group

2019-09-29 13:20:51 UTC  

Hopefully no violence gets involved

2019-09-29 13:20:53 UTC  

Fucking Antifa, can't even eat them because they embody soy.

2019-09-29 13:20:54 UTC  

unironically remove jude

2019-09-29 13:20:57 UTC  

None whatsoever

2019-09-29 13:21:05 UTC  

100% bruh

2019-09-29 13:21:16 UTC  

The ADL and AIPAC need to be smashed

2019-09-29 13:21:42 UTC  

10/10 would smash

2019-09-29 13:21:49 UTC  

SPLC too

2019-09-29 13:21:51 UTC  

2% of the population gets as much influence as 33.3% of the population

2019-09-29 13:21:59 UTC  

Btw they say ACAB is white supremacist aswell, you know the thing BLM and AntiFa always shout?

2019-09-29 13:22:03 UTC  

the ADL thinsk teh AIPAC are nazis

2019-09-29 13:22:09 UTC  

this is the level of clownery we live in

2019-09-29 13:22:32 UTC  

antifa looks at israel as some nazi ethnostate that opresses the palestinians

2019-09-29 13:22:47 UTC  

Bowlcuts according to the ADL are a hate symbol

Can’t occupy Palestinian land if it doesn’t exist

2019-09-29 13:23:08 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:23:12 UTC  

It doesn't

2019-09-29 13:23:49 UTC  

Palestinians are just Jordanian squaters on Jewish land

2019-09-29 13:23:52 UTC  

I was about to say, "I want a fallout game in the middle east", but then I realized it wouldn't be any different than it is now.

2019-09-29 13:24:58 UTC  

Btw you guys missed the fag this morning who said that the only way to win the current culture war was to convert to Islam and that is why he did.

2019-09-29 13:26:52 UTC  

>win culture war
>betray your principles and join the side that rapes children

2019-09-29 13:27:34 UTC

2019-09-29 13:28:15 UTC  

They don't "Rape Children"
They have "Sexual emergencies"
Which means that it is less sinful to cum inside a child than to masturbate.