
Discord ID: 228193460417462273

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But does it have shrek 5?

**Ireland is British**


That's why Rhodesians invented Mozambique drill.

"if they can cast a ballot then they can suck my bollocks"

No one wants to admit that nazis were centrist...

Nah they were authoritarian centre, they had some stuff of the 3conomy nationalised, but some not, had some social policies, but not to the extent of commie nations,

Their economic policies were the most right from the fashist at the time and one of the most right from all the time, and all in all they were economic centrist(that's what the x axis is) and cultural right.

Today's leftist are culturally more centrist than left

It's more accurate than calling them left

They preffered one group over other, so culturally right, many aspects of economy were capitalistic so centre Economicly and authoritarian

X is the economic and y is thr authoritarian/libertarian


Compass is retarded but if you take the compass, nazis are center authoritarian

Right leaning, they had the nationalising only cause of the war, not permanently

Economicaly yes

And left and right is about economics

Nazis were nationalistic economicly center, authoritarians

Nazis viewed economics as means to the end, so they used what givem them the results they wanted, thus mixed economicly center economy, as if nazisism was not about economics but culture and racial superiority ๐Ÿค”


but muh evil ~~working people~~ business people

As anything, "legal as not found out by authorities"

Cast for bilbo in the new hobbit movie, it's bridgett the midgett

And the sattelites capture good pictures cost millions, a basic cctv camera costs few bucks and its purpose is to catch the criminal while he is stealing or to record cashiers self defence, not to identify criminals.


The person that is posted instead of the shooters, has just the same name but is just random dude that is rn getting the hate for the shooting

That's why baba is a communist since 0 is also a measurement of size, like portion of food for example.

Or say nothing, since it's just a drawing

>cops try to save taxpayers money by not wasting time of another officer
>public outraged, cause mUh sLaVeRy

"Although this is a **trained technique and best practice** in some scenarios..."

This is normal stuff for mounted cops even in my country, the only outrage is cause its negro, if it was white person no one would bat an eye

Also hood crimes, and that minorities commit most of the crimes

Whoever says awoo is not OK is a communist.

2019-08-21 17:48:35 UTC [Athens #gymnasium_games]  

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2019-08-21 18:12:08 UTC [Athens #gymnasium_games]  

dunno, seems so



also the first thing you learn with guns is "don't aim at stuff you don't want to shoot"

Yeah you posted wrongthink



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