Message from @Gservator

Discord ID: 627857191633813543

2019-09-29 13:17:39 UTC

2019-09-29 13:17:45 UTC  

Fine, Mongoloids

2019-09-29 13:17:52 UTC  

It makes you alt right

2019-09-29 13:18:00 UTC  

You can’t be anti antifa

2019-09-29 13:18:04 UTC  

I don't care what the ADL says

2019-09-29 13:18:11 UTC  

So going against domestic terrorism is white supremacist now?

2019-09-29 13:18:12 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:18:13 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:18:21 UTC  

im joking ..........

2019-09-29 13:18:35 UTC  

I 100% don't care what they say

2019-09-29 13:19:07 UTC  

Burn it down

2019-09-29 13:19:08 UTC  

Flaming arrow

2019-09-29 13:19:28 UTC  

Is a hate symbol according to the ADL

2019-09-29 13:19:34 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:19:35 UTC  

Well, think about it. If the left thinks you can't deradicalize words and symbols, imagine what they think of the actual people.

2019-09-29 13:19:38 UTC  

Holy shit

2019-09-29 13:19:40 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:20:29 UTC  

Man I hope you have ways of dealing with those antifa guys peacefully

2019-09-29 13:20:44 UTC  

ADL are just a jewish partisan group

2019-09-29 13:20:51 UTC  

Hopefully no violence gets involved

2019-09-29 13:20:53 UTC  

Fucking Antifa, can't even eat them because they embody soy.

2019-09-29 13:20:54 UTC  

unironically remove jude

2019-09-29 13:20:57 UTC  

None whatsoever

2019-09-29 13:21:05 UTC  

100% bruh

2019-09-29 13:21:16 UTC  

The ADL and AIPAC need to be smashed

2019-09-29 13:21:42 UTC  

10/10 would smash

2019-09-29 13:21:49 UTC  

SPLC too

2019-09-29 13:21:51 UTC  

2% of the population gets as much influence as 33.3% of the population

2019-09-29 13:21:59 UTC  

Btw they say ACAB is white supremacist aswell, you know the thing BLM and AntiFa always shout?

2019-09-29 13:22:03 UTC  

the ADL thinsk teh AIPAC are nazis

2019-09-29 13:22:09 UTC  

this is the level of clownery we live in

2019-09-29 13:22:32 UTC  

antifa looks at israel as some nazi ethnostate that opresses the palestinians

2019-09-29 13:22:47 UTC  

Bowlcuts according to the ADL are a hate symbol

Can’t occupy Palestinian land if it doesn’t exist

2019-09-29 13:23:08 UTC  


2019-09-29 13:23:12 UTC  

It doesn't

2019-09-29 13:23:49 UTC  

Palestinians are just Jordanian squaters on Jewish land