Message from @Jake the Exile

Discord ID: 628014508300042241

2019-09-29 23:43:36 UTC  

Including Dotty McDot Face

2019-09-29 23:43:45 UTC  

Dotty McNigger

2019-09-29 23:43:51 UTC  

why did we have to pick on the poner

2019-09-29 23:43:58 UTC  

when will you learn

2019-09-29 23:44:14 UTC  

Listen, dotty, you thnk of this as a friendly reminder: you keep baiting people int antagoniising you eventualy it wll not turn out your way.

2019-09-29 23:44:25 UTC  

Because he isn't just a ponynigger, he is an annoying ponynigger

2019-09-29 23:44:29 UTC  

Jury it fine

2019-09-29 23:44:35 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:44:37 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:44:40 UTC  

No fucking lynch him

2019-09-29 23:44:42 UTC  

He bait no work on me

2019-09-29 23:44:51 UTC  

@livid_scrooge are you the pedo?

2019-09-29 23:44:55 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:44:55 UTC  

Do you even know who you’re speaking to, jury?

2019-09-29 23:45:01 UTC  

Why are you guys so easy to bait? This is poop tier 2008 stuff

2019-09-29 23:45:07 UTC

2019-09-29 23:45:12 UTC

2019-09-29 23:45:14 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:45:18 UTC

2019-09-29 23:45:26 UTC  

If you guys didn't have such a hateboner for poner none of this would happen

2019-09-29 23:45:26 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:45:29 UTC  

Mr high and mighty

2019-09-29 23:45:44 UTC  

It's fun to needle narcissists.

2019-09-29 23:45:44 UTC  

Isn’t he the “I’m friends with Sargon” guy?

2019-09-29 23:45:48 UTC  

>taking athens seriously

2019-09-29 23:45:50 UTC  

ok nigger

2019-09-29 23:46:03 UTC  
2019-09-29 23:46:08 UTC  

I’m wheezing

2019-09-29 23:46:12 UTC  

Yea what about sargon

2019-09-29 23:46:17 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:46:38 UTC  

Sargblarf of Gronkad is my favourite youtuber

2019-09-29 23:46:43 UTC  

The "I'm friends with Sargon" guy was Onision Fan and he was way worse since he was genuinely rarted and also highly hostile and vaccilatory.

2019-09-29 23:46:55 UTC  


2019-09-29 23:47:06 UTC  

Livid is just a tryhard then?

2019-09-29 23:47:11 UTC  

cmon do a flip

2019-09-29 23:47:13 UTC  

Makes sense lmao

2019-09-29 23:47:14 UTC  

@livid_scrooge you gay, that why

2019-09-29 23:47:34 UTC  

Livid is a classic troll and I have no idea why you fell for him besides drama and poner

2019-09-29 23:47:38 UTC  

@livid_scrooge fight me in vc scrub

2019-09-29 23:47:47 UTC  

Is it that easily forgotten now that ED is down