Message from @shadow of existence
Discord ID: 625383741593878547
you're a ginger
I'm not black....
@livid_scrooge nigger
I swear comradery to the xethno, I would never insult you
@livid_scrooge suicide is an option
why is he naked
Not encouraging it
Just an option
a political agitating sandie
You need to follow Discord's ToS @S K E L L Y Ivanthenotsoterrible
You need to follow the xethnostate
breathed in the wrong direction
like oh mah gah
Done you mom
Boris ((((((EXISTS)))))))))
That’s deep
@livid_scrooge That's ironic, considering you've encouraged suicide before
Idk who that is...
"idk who that is"
lmao Dotty you low-IQ loser
I'm livid_scrooge
I have a tested 140 IQ lol
You know that we still don't have the limb-regenerating therapy?
Dotty retard
facebook IQ tests mean you already failed the IQ test
Because jews don't want their foreskin to regrow back
@livid_scrooge Prove it.
Not Facebook, Mensa