Message from @TempleOfIron

Discord ID: 627675339073650688

2019-09-29 01:11:44 UTC  
2019-09-29 01:12:11 UTC  

Links, Rechts, Gerade Aus.

2019-09-29 01:13:22 UTC  

Lmao. The news is playing at work and they’re running a story about lady who’s dog died while hiking.

2019-09-29 01:13:33 UTC  

She threw a stick off a cliff and the dog jumped to its death

2019-09-29 01:13:35 UTC  

why do dogs hike?

2019-09-29 01:13:42 UTC  

And now she’s on the news asking for pity

2019-09-29 01:13:42 UTC  

aww; that's HORRIBLE

2019-09-29 01:13:47 UTC  

fucking IDIOT

2019-09-29 01:14:05 UTC  

Tbh the news is just all idiots.

2019-09-29 01:14:21 UTC  

poor dog

2019-09-29 01:14:31 UTC  

so unlucky to trust that cunt

2019-09-29 01:14:37 UTC  

Not when the god emperor is on the news

2019-09-29 01:14:43 UTC  

Apparently she had the dog for a single year

2019-09-29 01:14:59 UTC  

she shouldn't have had a dog

2019-09-29 01:15:17 UTC  

takes a yr to train

2019-09-29 01:15:27 UTC  

There were some activists for foster child awareness on the news and their interviews were cringey af

2019-09-29 01:15:40 UTC  

Sounds like she just got caught being evil and is now bullshitting

2019-09-29 01:15:53 UTC  

Yeah. She got careless.

2019-09-29 01:16:01 UTC  

my dog looks at me, wondering why i have that concerned look

2019-09-29 01:17:18 UTC  

The dog fell 90m and died on impact

2019-09-29 01:17:42 UTC  

He's wondering why you sit on your computer on discord all day and night

2019-09-29 01:18:09 UTC  


2019-09-29 01:18:14 UTC  

what is this?

2019-09-29 01:18:38 UTC  

So I understand the new EU anthem will be Deutschland Uber Alles...

2019-09-29 01:18:48 UTC  


2019-09-29 01:19:09 UTC  

Merkel is just waiting for the formality of Junker signing off on it

2019-09-29 01:20:24 UTC  

I hear they have a new flag picked out to symbolize the transition from a trade union to a federated superstate, with the main colors being red and black to contrast with the previous blue and gold. A circle is expected to be retained as a prominent feature, however

2019-09-29 01:20:53 UTC  

not seeing what the main symbol is supposed to be yet though

2019-09-29 01:21:28 UTC  


2019-09-29 01:22:47 UTC

2019-09-29 01:23:00 UTC  

could be!

2019-09-29 01:24:18 UTC  

wow; they came back for me

2019-09-29 01:25:01 UTC  

take me to the nazi moon base please

2019-09-29 01:26:06 UTC  

It would be kind of like 6th dimensional chess if Merkel is just using this to launch a 1000 year crusade

2019-09-29 01:27:48 UTC  

merkel is 1 scary hag

2019-09-29 01:30:56 UTC  

Legio, can't tell if you're talking or if you're just listening to something. Either way, very quiet

2019-09-29 01:33:21 UTC  
2019-09-29 01:33:23 UTC  

Fuck dog

2019-09-29 01:34:49 UTC  

crazy fucker

2019-09-29 01:36:43 UTC  

Judaism: follow a bunch of complicated and esoteric rules from God and then spend all your time trying to cheat God and get around the rules.