
Discord ID: 226863883338514432

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Meatgun? Really?

Hast du eine groรŸe schwanz, meine schwuler?

If you have a foreign sounding name, don't get upset when people judge you. Go to any Eastern Asian country and tell them your name is Al-Shaidi Mustafa and dress like a muslim and they will probably ostracize you. Dress like an Indian and go to Pakistan, they might stab you to death, go to Flint michigan and dress in the most rich white businessman out fit you can think of at 1:00 am and you will probably get mugged.

Only an undesirable would think that

Oh, I could tell by looking through your webcam

I called you an undesirable because you said someone deserved to get mugged. How am I supposed to know you were joking?

I ran over an old lady. Tell me if that is a joke or not.

Taking people's word at face value isn't considered a nice thing anymore I guess I'll just ignore everything you say from this point on

Bad people and undesirables deserve to be walled of in a ghetto like romanian gypsies

Do people here desire to debate so much they will argue about the semantics of a question that has an obvious answer

Pro ethno nationalism? Why would you get banned for that?

Wall the gypsies off thats what I say

Yeah pretty awesome when no one but 'immigrants' are talking

I'm here because I didn't know he had a server. But now I realize this probably isn't his main hangout on discord.

No I mean the server.

No I'm just not trying to fix shit that isn't broke.

Humans have been toiling on this Earth for millions of years, at what point does telling people to not hate you instead of earning their respect not just make you a little bitch

Yeah, and I never said prejudice was good

How would they be judging you any more if you earned their respect

Why would you care if someone thought you were an 'undesirable' if you had already gotten past that and earned their respect?

Yeah cause nobody has ever risen out of the ghetto and moved to higher places

That's fine.

I wasn't stating things aren't negative, and that they aren't something to overcome. But proving yourself to someone is a much more permanent way of getting rid of someone's judgement about you. Crying and complaining till they give you what you want isn't ever a solid foundation for someone to take you seriously.

what are these memes to racey?

Why can't I delete the second one?

I don't know who tf this is but I have this disgusting mung on my computer for some reason


Day of the Dead isn't even an indigenous holiday its a fucking mexican one.

I don't see an ak or ar do you?

Then just be gay if you're gonna whine about how much of a bitch you are

Wtf is this dude whinging about?

Is this a case of "the girl I like got railed 6 ways to Sunday"?

If you ain't the first dude to fuck yo girl stop crying and find someone else damn

Damn some of you city boys tryna turn your daughter's vag into a trouser snake finger trap up till she's married wtf

Or you could just teach them common sense and not fucking worry about shit. It ain't like its damn rocket science getting preggo at 15 is dumb

@ubermensch < this dude tryna sound like he's from Harvard about stuff that everyone knows already

Deductive reasoning. Look, we ain't all detectives. Shit man

@ubermensch what? You don't have to talk like sherlock Holmes to sound smart or moral damn

Do you even know how to finger a prostate? Wth kinda question is that?

No shit sherlock I know what a penis gag is. I bet none of you 16 year neets ever killed something to feed anyone

I blew up a hog with explosives when it was tryna dig my acreage up

No you fuckers doing it wrong with a rabbit er small game you just skin it, separate the anus from the cheeks cut the throat and scoop that shit out by hand

God you guys aren't virgins but you sure are life virgins

I swear you people have never talked to black people irl

You ever been sized up by a group of black people for robbery only to drive away and run over their mailbox, in the middle of shitcago?

@ubermensch Listen, I know how to spot a disingenuous "Cultus Civilis Occidentalis Salvator" from across an ocean. You are a pretender; stop trying to save face by writing like a Victorian era scholar, it just makes you look like a fool.

Dude, at moments, original trilogy yoda was creepy af

Eastern Asians are the only other race I would marry.

We are well past race mixing. We lost that cause long ago.

I don't even think there is such a thing as a european anymore

Yeah, its not like muslims been raping southern Europe for 500 years. cough cough ottomans cough cough spain cough cough

Any one born paler than an oak board is a nigger

Thats cause Greeks always lived in the sun and actually know how to kick ass

I'm not. But there is a reason they call it yellow black and white.

They're worse than Saudis imo

The world should be focused on being principled. Nothing else really matters. Kind of like optimistic Nihilism.


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