Message from @Дракайна

Discord ID: 622343772231172098

2019-09-14 08:05:16 UTC  

Indeed. I knew it was bad to be so extreme even at the time, it shocked me. Our society needs more community, desperately, but not these tribalised ones that exist currently. The alphabet soup crowd (lgbt+) exasperate me because there's just... no fucking effort for normalisation. They say they want to be accepted but their behaviour is just... dangerously alienating. It's like "I'm special, and different, and I'm going to stay that way". And we on the outside are expected to play pretend and go along with it?

2019-09-14 08:05:46 UTC  

lettuce, gherkins and burgers with tomatos?

2019-09-14 08:06:08 UTC  

Thats a thing, yeah, I was very aware that a lot of people were mentally ill from the group that witchhunted me

2019-09-14 08:06:15 UTC  

That sounds delicious sign me up

2019-09-14 08:06:26 UTC  

lol totally

2019-09-14 08:06:54 UTC  

well yea it's kind of important to remember these activists likely have mental health issues way beyond what they're presenting.

2019-09-14 08:07:12 UTC  

some psychologists would say their constant effort to highlight that one thing about themselves is likely an attempt to stop you seeing something else.

2019-09-14 08:08:10 UTC  

I hear ya. I was taken in by it most likely because I myself have mental and personality problems.. lol.

2019-09-14 08:08:28 UTC  

sounds about right

2019-09-14 08:08:39 UTC  

Part of the issue is they want both to be comepletely accepted and yet maintain the outside of normalcy position they hold. And you can't have both. You can't have gay marriage, social acceptance, etc etc. And maintain that you're apart from the consensus that achieves those ends. It's the whole issue of rebels needing the system they claim to be opponents of.

2019-09-14 08:09:02 UTC  


2019-09-14 08:09:08 UTC  

yin supports yang

2019-09-14 08:09:36 UTC  


2019-09-14 08:09:53 UTC  

I think it's also because this generation has no healthy fringe subcultures

2019-09-14 08:10:10 UTC  

And yeah, there's unfortunately a lot of mental illness that complicates a lot of this. Especially for the trans community, for various reasons. It attracts a lot of people who are mentally ill and then dawn the mantle of trans as a way of representing that. Which hurts everyone involved.

2019-09-14 08:10:40 UTC  

I weep for the emo kids of today. There are a few. But I cant help but think, "I had a better time of that phase." fuck social media.

2019-09-14 08:10:42 UTC  

it's all rainbow house music or you're a gender dysphoric depressed alienspirit who believes sexes don't exist

2019-09-14 08:11:18 UTC  

I hated emo so much I actually saw that as the beginning of the sjw shit

2019-09-14 08:11:38 UTC  

I legitimately remember listening in to emo kids competing with who had the most mental health issues (that none of them actually had)

2019-09-14 08:11:55 UTC  

they LOVED the oppression and disadvantage narrative lol

2019-09-14 08:11:57 UTC  

When it morphed into scene kids subculture I saw it then.

2019-09-14 08:12:10 UTC  

The mental gymnastics started happening

2019-09-14 08:12:38 UTC  

it was just after numetal lol

2019-09-14 08:13:19 UTC  

that kind of era of emotional metal where people started glamourising trauma

2019-09-14 08:13:32 UTC  

And thus mental illness has been normalised in just the most wrong way possible

2019-09-14 08:13:33 UTC  

and everyone wanted a good trauma for their life narrative

2019-09-14 08:13:34 UTC  

Yeah, there was a lot of silly behaviors that came along with it. But then again, they're mostly kids. That's when you are supposed to do dumb shit and believe dumb things. You've not learned better. Hell, most the time the concept of the self, who you actually are, is a mystery at that age.

2019-09-14 08:13:59 UTC  


2019-09-14 08:14:22 UTC  

yea which is a result of soviet influence in american culture

2019-09-14 08:14:26 UTC  


2019-09-14 08:14:52 UTC  

Care to explain that one better? I don't see it

2019-09-14 08:14:54 UTC  

back in the day, you respected and learned from your parents with a little bit of rebellion to throw yourself out into the world

2019-09-14 08:15:34 UTC  

then in the 40s-50s the soviets (actually had it in writing btw) that they would utilise America's freedom of speech and art to try and diminish the family

2019-09-14 08:15:42 UTC  

it was one of the forms of attack in the cold war

2019-09-14 08:16:07 UTC  

so they went into hollywood, art, media of other kinds. often because you had a lot of communists in those industries already

2019-09-14 08:16:09 UTC  

journalists too

2019-09-14 08:16:11 UTC  


2019-09-14 08:16:20 UTC  


2019-09-14 08:16:20 UTC  

Not only soviet. French and German philosophies popularized in the early bits of the century also led quite a lot of people down a path of reductionism. The west isn't innocent in it's own undermining.

2019-09-14 08:16:42 UTC  

well it was people of all races but one ideology, so yea communists.

2019-09-14 08:17:02 UTC  

not like, 'damn commie', as in they were marxist communists who believed in communism. and yea Artaius