
Discord ID: 323487468026593280

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come for

Where da politics

Well then... REEEEEEEE

Not at the moment. I enjoy lurkin' n readin'

Listening to Sargons recent vid, saw discord thingy, ooh yes, join up

h o w d a r e y o u p e o p l e n o t t h i n k l i k e u s

That was.. on one hand, sad, and on another, rather delightful. I live in hope that Contra is now very aware of the toxicity she herself has encouraged

Depends on how the individual reacts to different kinds of trauma. It's pretty nasty having people who loved you turn on you even if it's online, it's happened to me. When it happened to me, I absolutely flipped out and adopted the OPPOSITE stance for a while and seriously having it out for a certain population group, before becoming more sensible about things. Could go any way with Contra as we don't really -know- her per se. Interestingly, Blaire White recently defended her. Big fan of Blaire

The pedo-slaying shit she's been doing lately has been juicy af. Taking down Jessica Yaniv, oof

I feel for Contra too, bigtime. Hence why I felt sad. I wanted to talk to her when it happened tbh, because it happened to me too

Though on a -way- smaller scale.

she must be feeling a lot of rage right now. That's the bit that changes ya... i'm interested in where she'll go from here.

Oh, lol I was a moderator on a rather... metropolitan server, lets say. Diverse. And I had the GALL to identify as cisgender. It was an adult server so I thought, yanno, junk is relevant. I was pretty popular there, loads of people liked me, liked my art. But dang I was wrong, lol. Someone I thought was a good friend stabbed me in the back and reported it to a more influential person, who was a raging sjw transwoman.
"YOUR IDEAS ARE KILLING PEOPLE"- I kid you not, this was said. XD
I was had up in the moderators chat and berated by about thirty of the fuckers, who all felt like the word cisgender was gonna come murder their whole families by the way they reacted. It was nasty.
So I was ousted from that community, two whole servers, and lost a ton of friends and my reputation was just reduced to shit. So for a while I fucking hated trans people. (I have a lot of trauma in my past, I have a lot of... odd reactions to things)

Having a friend who is a transguy come back into my life, as well as watching Blaire, helped me heal because they're actually sensible people

I guess. I felt rather silly for being so extreme and your comment is rather soothing tbh. Thank you

Indeed. I knew it was bad to be so extreme even at the time, it shocked me. Our society needs more community, desperately, but not these tribalised ones that exist currently. The alphabet soup crowd (lgbt+) exasperate me because there's just... no fucking effort for normalisation. They say they want to be accepted but their behaviour is just... dangerously alienating. It's like "I'm special, and different, and I'm going to stay that way". And we on the outside are expected to play pretend and go along with it?

Thats a thing, yeah, I was very aware that a lot of people were mentally ill from the group that witchhunted me

That sounds delicious sign me up

I hear ya. I was taken in by it most likely because I myself have mental and personality problems.. lol.


I weep for the emo kids of today. There are a few. But I cant help but think, "I had a better time of that phase." fuck social media.

When it morphed into scene kids subculture I saw it then.

The mental gymnastics started happening

And thus mental illness has been normalised in just the most wrong way possible

Care to explain that one better? I don't see it


And it's very easily manipulated.

There is an element of human nature that prolonged peace breeds discontent because we're biologically hardwired to -survive-, ie, look for dangers and avoid them. So as people we make up problems that don't necessarily pose any real threat at all, and scapegoat like fuck until we feel truly threatened by it. Peace is some kind of exalted ideal that kills us ultimately because we simply didn't evolve for peace.

There are two main ways to go about solving this: By giving into the ape mind and descending into some kind of 1984 manufactured warfare shit, or anarchy, OR, progressive mass enlightenment- which is dangerous because it hasn't been attempted successfully before, it's pie-in-the-sky, and who the hell do you trust to give the right advice to 8 billion people lol

But you cant fool yourself into thinking youre a one-man army

That's a good idea... god, the things I'd do for a piece of land.

Its all I WANT to do

Im not the only one

Where are you all from anyways

Our current democracy is idiots voting for idiots, that needs to be fixed


Dude I contemplate neo-feudalism a lot

There *needs* to be a class that does the beurocratic shit though surely, a class that does just that, does it right, rather than leave everyone else to try to be experts at everything but they're not, and thus we have some real mediocrity.

I know of the shortcomings. It's all because none of the systems ever take into account the fallibility of human nature


Eugh pls no

A real royal family that actually does something *cough*

Clinton *shudder*

Lmao, checkin out now. Nice to meet you all. Thanks for the chat, needed it.

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