Message from @Polekov
Discord ID: 598880039395655682
It was the Native American hostile spirits
Took me all of 6 seconds to find this
Looks like a couple doors to me.
Angry at the white skins for desecrating their final resting place
Wooden doors
U know how it goes
Dresden was a military target
Why do you think the survivors are all alcohlics
Anne frank was burned by the british
Holocaust denial is dumb
Debate me
U cant
the real conspiracy theory
Twink denial
Stop denying it
Dresden was a morally and ethically acceptable loss.
tfw dresden was bombed 3 months before the war ended in europe
Sorry Krauts. Suck it up.
Want to know what us dumber than holocaust truthers
Jake paul?
Ballpoint pens
Iwas close
Checkmate atheist
quills are worse
I happen to like ballpoint pens.
who the fuck
thought they were a good idea
Ballpoint pens were invented in what 1957
Quills exist cuz ballpoints didnt exist you fucking knob