Message from @ᛋᛉKLOᚢ
Discord ID: 598879912828600351
I love Americans.
Lots of jews died
From what
But it wasnt the germans that killed them
It was the Native American hostile spirits
Took me all of 6 seconds to find this
Looks like a couple doors to me.
Angry at the white skins for desecrating their final resting place
Wooden doors
U know how it goes
Why do you think the survivors are all alcohlics
Anne frank was burned by the british
Holocaust denial is dumb
Debate me
U cant
the real conspiracy theory
Twink denial
Stop denying it
Dresden was a morally and ethically acceptable loss.
tfw dresden was bombed 3 months before the war ended in europe
Sorry Krauts. Suck it up.
Want to know what us dumber than holocaust truthers
Jake paul?
Ballpoint pens
Iwas close
Checkmate atheist