Message from @Diffused Solvent

Discord ID: 600581107993542659

2019-07-16 06:49:44 UTC  

And if they die we will use them to fuel the grills

2019-07-16 06:49:44 UTC  

every dumfuk npc is scared shitless of my dog now

2019-07-16 06:50:19 UTC  

i told dad "dont overfeed him"

2019-07-16 06:50:26 UTC  

fuckin dummfuk

2019-07-16 06:50:50 UTC  

bad dog bad

2019-07-16 06:50:54 UTC  


2019-07-16 06:50:59 UTC  


2019-07-16 06:51:09 UTC  

They want to eliminate all the big dogs for killing people, but not the niggers 😉

2019-07-16 06:51:17 UTC  


2019-07-16 06:51:29 UTC  

exactly. its the owners who are the problem

2019-07-16 06:51:39 UTC  

Slave owners are the problem. Oh, OK

2019-07-16 06:52:22 UTC  

u r the problem tbh

2019-07-16 06:52:31 UTC  


2019-07-16 06:52:42 UTC  

I don't have a dog

2019-07-16 06:52:46 UTC  

I don't even have a wife

2019-07-16 06:53:36 UTC  

good for them

2019-07-16 06:54:07 UTC  

i don t have a dog eitrher

2019-07-16 06:54:14 UTC  

or a wife

2019-07-16 06:54:37 UTC  

I can't resolve conflicting views held that I both like dogs and think too many people, especially in urban areas, have them

2019-07-16 06:54:54 UTC  

its a fashion item

2019-07-16 06:55:08 UTC  

>every dumfuk npc is scared shitless of my dog now
do you or do you not have a dog

2019-07-16 06:55:19 UTC  

No doubt, but is it governments role to limit whether people have dogs or not?

2019-07-16 06:55:51 UTC  

i dont have a dog but there is a 60kg beast next to me capable of eating me in one sitting

2019-07-16 06:56:05 UTC  

Your wife?

2019-07-16 06:56:12 UTC  

beat me to it

2019-07-16 06:56:17 UTC  


2019-07-16 06:56:42 UTC  

do don't and don't do

2019-07-16 06:59:04 UTC  

but they do dough don't you dough?

2019-07-16 06:59:05 UTC  

no its like this ... some dog eats owner ... its happening all the time every day probably , but , hey lets make a big deal about it and ramp up the fear and suspicion about dogs and owners and derro fuckwits who mistreat animals blah blah bl;ah FEAR UNCERTAINTY DOUBT

2019-07-16 07:00:11 UTC  

>small shit dog protects owner somehow
>big dog is dangerous bla bla kill the mall

2019-07-16 07:00:12 UTC  


2019-07-16 07:00:17 UTC  


2019-07-16 07:00:37 UTC  

fuck pitbulls tbh

2019-07-16 07:01:01 UTC  

every other dog dont need training and survival manuals to deal with

2019-07-16 07:01:09 UTC  

>survival manuals

2019-07-16 07:01:16 UTC  


2019-07-16 07:01:20 UTC  


2019-07-16 07:02:12 UTC  

the other day i had this one weirdo russian type fatty lady running away going "im afraid im afraid"