Message from @Diffused Solvent
Discord ID: 600579808501432351
what a dumb dictator, actually wasting money to get his prisoners OUT of the border and you know, not just killing or permanently interning them
north korea is best korea simply because their concentration camps are villages in remote areas
see, we need to learn from our communist allies
Send the illegal immigrants to Detroit
immigrant made death robots to slay for da qveens
look man, im all for concentration camps and all
but detroit is too harsh
"take him to detroit!"
detroit: become SJW
Portland AKA Detroit 2
electric castle boogaloo
>incumbent mayor is also police commissioner
We must privatize concentration camps.
@SuddenCringe you just described superjail
Nay, i say we make them work in a giant McDonald near the border, they will until they die of hunger.
And if they die we will use them to fuel the grills
i told dad "dont overfeed him"
fuckin dummfuk
bad dog bad
They want to eliminate all the big dogs for killing people, but not the niggers 😉
exactly. its the owners who are the problem
Slave owners are the problem. Oh, OK
u r the problem tbh
I don't have a dog
I don't even have a wife
good for them
i don t have a dog eitrher
or a wife
I can't resolve conflicting views held that I both like dogs and think too many people, especially in urban areas, have them
its a fashion item
>every dumfuk npc is scared shitless of my dog now
do you or do you not have a dog