Message from @Arthur Grayborn
Discord ID: 600622975128961024
if you can manage to quickly install a puppet government that actually does its job then youre fine
but if its slow and incompetent that just invites a whole new generation of rebels waiting for a power vacuum
i cant take this anime avatar guy talking about the horrors of warfare seriously
Should I get a Tanya The Evil avatar instead?
shit tier waifu
dick sucking
Wew lad
@Ayylmao - It's not pedo if she's actually a middle-aged Japanese man.
800 yo Vampire**
tanya being a fellow wageslave only makes me harder
Tanya the Evil plotline, @lunemarie. If you haven't seen the anime, go watch it.
yeah this character in the body of a child is a 9000 year old elf dude its not pedophilia dude she's 9000 dude that's way over 18 dude i can fuck her dude thats not rape
tanya is the story of a middle aged man being inside a little girl
still a little girl
still illegal
still reported to the fbi
Middle aged Japanese man dies, and because he doesn't believe in god he's about to be wiped from existence. Instead god gives him an alternative: Be born as a white girl in Pre-WWI Germany, and become a child soldier in the Kaiser's army.
**the roastie fears the superior loli**
oh fuck this shit
I like how you can't @ the fbi anymore on Instagram specifically because people kept @ ingthem
this is just a shitty plot to lewd lolis
the universe of tanya the evil seems great but I really can't sympathise with the main character
I’m sorry
I've actually heard of this anime
Which is rare
i mean im pretty sure anyone with more than two braincells are aware that tanya is just pandering to edgy isekai fans
who also want to __**be the little girl**__
@Bastard - That's because Tanya is a dick.
He was a dick as a middle aged Japanese middle manager, firing people from their jobs without giving a shit just because he was doing his job so he could live his life uneventfully.
Even worse dick as a magic child soldier girl.
It was Hitler that had child soldiers, not kaiser. Smh, Japan of all places getting their evil empires wrong
hitler youth weren't child soldiers retard
As a cunt I could potentially emphasise with that
Hitler Youth was brainwashing school
"Hitler youth weren't child soldiers" naaaaaah they were just under 18 combatants