Message from @Froststep
Discord ID: 600634480431988737
And that says alot
man bamboozled hollywood
yes i also know of dillman
and his super secret ninjutsu
Metric is globalism but its also objectively better
There were many fakes during the 60's and 80's in martial arts
Ha gay
@Froststep <:smugay:593502151758708776>
fake martial arts is just filled with unironic weebs and delusional people. and whats worse is that theyre guys pushing more than 40 years old
apparently you can follow your own referral link and make an account in incognito mode with this bl3 vip progrim thing
Well fuck you too
gladly, m'lady
<:tiptip:462282246695419934> <:npc:502497359419408384>
Don't hate the player hate the game
Anyways, it was kinda easy way to make money when people like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris were famous
people wanted exciting martial arts and not boring "guys grappling each other on the floor for minutes" type of action
Add a dose of "oriental mysticism" and it's like waking in the park
And tbf, old martial arts like karate do work. Problem is that people don't know the context it was designed for
Most martial arts have that problem
lot of context is ignored because some average people don't know what context is
Asian martial arts really benefitted from the fact that it was less about practical combat training, and more about entertaining the emperor or shogun. That meant the moves were often really fancy, which made them look more appealing from an entertainment point of view.
European martial arts is often better in a street fight, but it doesn't look pretty. So people don't watch it.
Eh, yes and no
Karate was peasant art
That's my point.
ANd it had the context of "we don't have weapons, nobles do"
And no, it wasn't entertainment
the ancient sumo technique
Sumo was samurai art
dig it
**literally with your nose**
technically peasants still had walking sticks and farm implements