Message from @Froststep
Discord ID: 600633464890327040
Brainbleed sports
Who was it who pulled a gun during a streetfight with cokeski?
How long did the whole "ibs" shit last even? 6 months?
If Jim wasn't a cuck I'd want him to make a ISB before and after video
Salute gentlemen
No prob
the streaming phenomena of "bloodsports" where internet autists fling shit at each other and call them "debates" takes its name from the film "bloodsport"
well, you see the film got its notoriety for saying that it was based on real life events. yes, the ninjas, the secret organizations, the deaths, were all supposedly based on the biography of someone named "frank dux". it was all actually a lie.
frank dux faked his mlitary service. faked being in the CIA and other elite american organizetions. faked being a member of a shadowy kung fu ninja organization. faked being trained by a ninja master. faked his other exploits in vietnam, philippines and etc.
in essence, the guy it was based off on was a lunatic compulsive liar and guilty of stolen valor. **perfect for being the type of guy who listens and participates in internet bloodsports**
the end
I was aware, Howards
I wasn't
just came across his biography on people exposing fake martial artists
it was a wild ride
Irony wasn't lost on me
Bloodsports is a great movie though
i know
But Dux is bigger fraud that Dillman
Metric is globalism
man bamboozled hollywood
yes i also know of dillman
and his super secret ninjutsu
Metric is globalism but its also objectively better
There were many fakes during the 60's and 80's in martial arts
Ha gay
@Froststep <:smugay:593502151758708776>
fake martial arts is just filled with unironic weebs and delusional people. and whats worse is that theyre guys pushing more than 40 years old
apparently you can follow your own referral link and make an account in incognito mode with this bl3 vip progrim thing
Well fuck you too
gladly, m'lady
<:tiptip:462282246695419934> <:npc:502497359419408384>
Don't hate the player hate the game
Anyways, it was kinda easy way to make money when people like Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris were famous
people wanted exciting martial arts and not boring "guys grappling each other on the floor for minutes" type of action
Add a dose of "oriental mysticism" and it's like waking in the park
And tbf, old martial arts like karate do work. Problem is that people don't know the context it was designed for