Message from @Boru
Discord ID: 330098251338350597
I agree that proud boys are pretty beta, however I still want to fight him and the nigger that works with him
I'm pissed that Cernovich co-opted Corey Stewart for his anti alt-right rally on Sunday but I guess there's nothing to do about it but put on a better show than they do.
My brother is trying to talk to his campaign about it
should confront cernovich about the manchester money
the "new right" is a parasitic movement piggy backing on the coattails of the alt right.
It's disgusting really.
We need to get this kid in Beltway Bigots. He''s been going hard recently
Lol, is he even on discord?
Hey goys, I'm planning on taking the metro to the Sunday event. Is anyone trying to roll in as a group?
@Hardrada are you on the June 25th server?
No, could you send me the link.
@MadDimension lucky for you we have recently acquired a bunch of pride flags
@Americana - MD fag^^^
@Tyrone fuck you nigga
@Americana - MD Nice!
I think we're going to work on doing a national thing for Pride month next year where we encourage normies to burn the Pride flag and film it like the Ice Bucket Challenge
@MadDimension That's an A+ idea.
I want to move to Virginia lads
Va>all other states
Stormer barracks when?
You know even if it's just like 10 of us cooking out I think we should still do it
oh yeah, that bbq idea needs to happen
We will reincarnate the spirit of Rockwell
@everyone This is the official server for the George Lincoln Rockwell memorial event in Arlington Virginia. On August 25th, it will have been 50 years since his assassination.
Join the server if you would like to be a part of this monumentous occasion.
Can you guys go ahead and reserve the speaker system for the weekend of the event?
Sure thing @MadDimension
Oh boy!