Message from @shrikeclaw

Discord ID: 610750302295031809

2019-08-13 08:19:27 UTC  

Venezuela has disgorged millions of people across the continent

2019-08-13 08:19:30 UTC  

Buy Tumblr and then allow porn. Make porn easier to search.

Sell it back to Verizon for a billion dollars.

2019-08-13 08:19:48 UTC  

they can hire a Venezuelan at half the price of a local

2019-08-13 08:20:06 UTC  

same skill level, kept off the books

2019-08-13 08:20:33 UTC  


2019-08-13 08:20:41 UTC  

the people on the lowest rung that are nationals are losing jobs and houses

2019-08-13 08:20:55 UTC  

all to have a lower paid work force

2019-08-13 08:21:14 UTC  

Yeah, shit pisses me off.

Liberals DO NOT GET that people are not just going to follow the law because you fucking tell them to. Under the table wages is a HUGE problem in any income-tax based system, and the only way you're ever going to solve that is by keeping the minimum wage at least somewhat close to equilibrium market wages (or below it).

2019-08-13 08:21:34 UTC  

If you want higher wages WITHOUT rampant tax evasion, then you need to address not the minimum wage, but the market equilibrium.

2019-08-13 08:21:44 UTC  

its depressing, I know so many people that have been affected

2019-08-13 08:21:49 UTC  

Which means either more demand or less supply for workers.

2019-08-13 08:21:51 UTC  

good, hard working people

2019-08-13 08:22:23 UTC  

it's caused huge migrations from the country to the city

2019-08-13 08:22:34 UTC  

shanty towns

2019-08-13 08:22:45 UTC  

no water

2019-08-13 08:22:52 UTC  

@shrikeclaw - Worst part is, you're not even allowed to verify their citizenship or legal status.

If they fill out a form, you have to accept that at face value and leave it up to the government to enforce the law.

2019-08-13 08:23:10 UTC  

christ, that makes me furious

2019-08-13 08:23:12 UTC  

At least in the United States. By law, you cannot impose a "citizens only" policy for employment.

2019-08-13 08:23:25 UTC  

You can't even verify citizenship status on your own. Have to leave it up to a government agency.

2019-08-13 08:23:30 UTC  

stop kicking your own people for christ sake

2019-08-13 08:23:39 UTC  

how hard is that

2019-08-13 08:24:50 UTC  

Worst part is, you can't even discriminate on national origin, even for non-citizens.

So while China is engaged in rampant IP theft, you are legally prohibited from restricting Chinese nationals from jobs in tech. You can't even subject them to heightened background checks (because the Chinese government is constantly stealing IP), because that would be "national origin discrimination."

2019-08-13 08:25:40 UTC  

pretty fucked up, huh?

2019-08-13 08:25:42 UTC  

If you hired a Canadian dude with a clean background check and not much else, but want to look into the family connections of a Chinese guy just to make sure he's not a pawn for the Chinese intelligence services, you just broke the law.

2019-08-13 08:26:00 UTC  

how did things get this fucked up?

2019-08-13 08:26:19 UTC  


2019-08-13 08:26:20 UTC  

"Muh racism."

That's how. People scream oppression, prejudice, and bigotry, and then all critical dissent stops. Right then and there.

2019-08-13 08:26:27 UTC  

I mean, jesus we used to care about that stuff

2019-08-13 08:26:37 UTC  

Well, more like power plays.

2019-08-13 08:26:39 UTC  

Anyone who continues to oppose them ends up being branded a literal fucking Nazi, and cast out of polite society.

2019-08-13 08:26:52 UTC  

no shit

2019-08-13 08:27:09 UTC  

deviate a little bit from the narrative and *bam*

2019-08-13 08:27:52 UTC  

If you want to look into the family connections of Chinese workers during an employment screening, to make sure they're not in any way connected to Chinese intelligence, you basically have to do that shit for ALL workers.

It also means you have to bar employment to anyone with links to British or German intelligence, even though England and Germany are not engaged in rampant IP theft and we're fucking military allies to those countries.

2019-08-13 08:27:55 UTC  

I've seen someone get *furious* with me when I expressed confusion over her accusation that Bernie Sanders *wasn't* a misogynst

2019-08-13 08:28:28 UTC  

same thing for racism topics

2019-08-13 08:28:48 UTC  

it's like a switch

2019-08-13 08:29:13 UTC  

The only exception is military contracting, but then you basically have to accept whatever the fucking feds have to say about it. If some Chinese dude looks super fishy, but the Feds say he's OK, you have to let him look at the blueprints for a $1.5 trillion dollar warplane, and don't you fucking dare treat him differently than American workers.

2019-08-13 08:29:18 UTC  

I can quote back arguments from 20 years ago that were fine for the old left, but now it's a trigger

2019-08-13 08:29:45 UTC  

no arguments back, just hate

2019-08-13 08:30:15 UTC  

A lot of it seems to me to be how the topic is being presented and what the listener is cued in on. If it's logic, but the listener is prepared for emotive communication shatters.