Message from @Tonight at 11 - DOOM

Discord ID: 607332542907154493

2019-08-03 15:36:08 UTC  

I'm a pleb on these subjects, but I find them fascinating yeah

2019-08-03 15:36:19 UTC  

thx for the recommendation

2019-08-03 15:52:59 UTC  

What are people's thoughts on this? The comments on it are just salty MGTOW ppl from what I can tell

2019-08-03 17:03:37 UTC  

Doesn't seem that controversial to me.

2019-08-03 17:05:07 UTC  

Agreed. I thought the video was great and I too noticed that the commenters were mostly MGTOWs.

2019-08-03 18:18:18 UTC  

Why do people judge a video by the comment and not by the content of the video itself? It is just guilt by association.

2019-08-03 19:22:58 UTC  

I watched that video and I did not agree with it

2019-08-03 19:23:12 UTC  

Guy sounds like a 2007 neocon

2019-08-03 19:23:36 UTC  

Who fucking cares if some guy watches porn, go fuck yourself McCain

2019-08-03 19:24:23 UTC  

mad cuz you like watching porn

2019-08-03 20:09:55 UTC  

Nothing will change. This hookup culture and the 80/20 rule that comes with it is a women's utopia. Male celibacy rates will continue to skyrocket as they have over the last 10 years. Women en masse aren't gonna vote to take away the absurd advantages they have in the family courts. Nobody on either side of the aisle advocates for men, so the laws will stay the same. Marriage rates will continue to plummet as more men realise how little reward and high risk now comes with it. MGTOW life philosophy will continue to spread amongst men due to a refusal to change from women and society's position. We can all guess where society goes from there. The End.

2019-08-03 20:10:20 UTC  

jkjkj guys I just copied this from a random comment

2019-08-03 20:35:46 UTC  

I got a wall of text incoming regarding this

2019-08-03 20:37:22 UTC  

I need this copy pasta

2019-08-03 20:39:00 UTC  

Just wanted to share my friends thoughts since he is a German

2019-08-03 20:39:27 UTC  

And it also adds to the video IMO

2019-08-03 20:41:45 UTC  

send this

2019-08-03 20:42:11 UTC  

no balls

2019-08-03 20:43:53 UTC  


2019-08-03 22:02:41 UTC  

On the topic of Soygon's latest video: "The Validity of Nazi Comparisons - feat. Three Arrows"

First a minor point:
I largely agree, perhaps with the exception that, from a strictly propaganda perspective, Soygon seems to make too big of a deal of English, or indeed Anglo, uniqueness. I understand that more nuance is not strictly necessary to put the point across, but it *sounds* really bad when he claims that Anglos are just immune to Nazism. Again: I understand that he is not necessarily saying that they are in fact immune to to any and all wrongdoing, but the way he frames the issue does *sound* like he might, which just opens him to accusations of blinding pride and/or chauvinism. It's just unfortunate to make a good argument, and present it in a way that is open for crude attack.

2019-08-03 22:02:46 UTC  

And now for a more "important" point:
When Soygon discusses the "We are Deutch" video, he omits, perhaps to save time, a point that I remember perturbing me the most when I saw the video years ago. Namely that the new ideal German is depicted as gleefully aggressive towards not only the passé, old German "bigot", but also explicitly towards foreigners who disagree with the new German "ordering" of the world. The people who end up being charged by the angry mob of... Liberated (?), degenerate new Germans, hold up placards with the faces of Dutch and Hungarian politicians... The new, Ubermensch is just as validated in his righteous, joyful crusade against other polities and their peoples, as the SS were. Just as long as they do not comply with the German prime directive of the moment. The Germans haven't learned almost anything from what their polity did in the early XXth century. All they learned is that the previous thing they were insanely zealous about was bad. They haven't learned that being insanely zealous about things leads to an inherent sense of moral superiority born of excellence in the chosen temporary madness; and thus to the justification of subjugation of others as, we the Germans have *clearly* mastered the current zealotry far better then anyone else, which must make us not only inclined to lead the lesser people(s), but bestows on us the moral duty to lead them. And if they disagree, well, we know best anyway, so why would that matter? It's awfully convenient a way to structure your social moral framework, if you're an expansionist empire who's main tactic of expansion is to be direct military force directed at a comparable opponent.

2019-08-03 22:10:21 UTC  

N.B. It's similarly convenient to the Anglo pretense of not having any shared responsibility for the actions of one's polity. If an Englishman buys inexpensive produce from a merchant in York, because the Crown supports and defends British trading companies abroad, it is no reason for the simple Englishman to feel bad because of the fact said trading companies' entire purpose of existence is to structure the supply chain so as it is in Britain that prices are low, and abroad that the wages are low. Out of sight, out of mind it is for the English individualist...

2019-08-03 22:10:41 UTC  

the entire use of 'the English and 'the German' in the video turns me off tbh, it just sounds wrong

2019-08-03 22:12:30 UTC  

i disagree with the point about only germans being evil enough to run auschwitz. all humans are capable of evil, this is not a uniquely german thing.

2019-08-03 22:12:36 UTC  


2019-08-03 22:13:06 UTC  

Anglos themselves come from the coast of Saxony and are genetically almost the same as ethnic Germans

2019-08-03 22:13:32 UTC  

it's not about ethnicity, it's about culture

2019-08-03 22:13:57 UTC  

This has no bearing on anything unless you think everything is strictly biologically determined and don't believe in environment factors, which if you don't, you are retarded anyway.

2019-08-03 22:14:39 UTC  

Environment factors aren't strong enough to make an entire population resistant to some ideology for a long time

2019-08-03 22:14:48 UTC  

sosays you

2019-08-03 22:14:55 UTC  

Such strong claims can only be true with respect to genetics

2019-08-03 22:15:07 UTC  

no one cares what you think, you are just as insane as the ppl who are blank slaters

2019-08-03 22:15:08 UTC  

The onus is on you to first prove your claim

2019-08-03 22:15:33 UTC  

To even be taken seriously

2019-08-03 22:15:47 UTC  

I have reasons to think why

2019-08-03 22:15:47 UTC  

YOU hold the position that no one takes seriously

2019-08-03 22:16:04 UTC  

and are constantly bringing it up into other ppl's conversations because it's the only thing you know

2019-08-03 22:16:23 UTC  

>i disagree with the point about only germans being evil enough to run auschwitz. all humans are capable of evil, this is not a uniquely german thing.

2019-08-03 22:16:27 UTC  

I agree with this

2019-08-03 22:16:44 UTC  

And if anyone doesn't, the onus is on them