Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 610786233882509322

2019-08-12 23:55:12 UTC  

@Miniature Menace it took Sargon's vid to make you realize it couldn't be a coincidence?

2019-08-12 23:55:47 UTC  


2019-08-13 04:25:50 UTC  

Salvini says Africans don't belong in Italy, calls opponent "beta leftist"

2019-08-13 04:46:05 UTC  

arent italians historically the ni-- basketball americans of europe?

2019-08-13 04:50:20 UTC  

That's Albanians

2019-08-13 05:27:44 UTC  

That's albanians.

2019-08-13 05:33:02 UTC
>first google result for "albanian" is a bunch of guys trafficking cocaine to the UK

2019-08-13 05:40:27 UTC  

Sounds about right

2019-08-13 07:10:43 UTC  

With heart sunglasses nonetheless.

2019-08-13 07:11:30 UTC  

I'm less impressed with the firearms and more distracted by the damn sunglasses. Seriously, why.

2019-08-13 07:12:01 UTC  

Like, you had to ruin the entire look with *heart* sunglasses.

2019-08-13 07:12:28 UTC  

Or, I'm just seeing things.

2019-08-13 07:12:33 UTC  

This is possible, too.

2019-08-13 07:12:59 UTC  

(Just a lil sleep deprived.)

2019-08-13 09:02:37 UTC  

nah the niggers of Europe are the polish

2019-08-13 10:43:46 UTC  

I find it funny how Sargon takes the time of day to tell magic is not real... but does not say "god does not exist".

2019-08-13 10:46:26 UTC  

Why is it important to tell one type of magic is not real, but think another type of magic (to which English royalty, ruling system and national religion is based on) is practically attacked without a reason? How is it not important to call out bullshit when majority of the population is mentally insane and "sane" only via tailored exception to protect the feelings of the insane?

2019-08-13 10:46:40 UTC  

Trannies are insane, and so are the religious.

2019-08-13 10:53:43 UTC  

Because religion isn't always meant as magic through God. That's religion taken at it's literal word. Sargon views religion through the lense of religion as a system of parables to teach how to live a meaningful and productive life in society. He doesn't debunk religion because unlike the idea of magic. It serves a purpose

2019-08-13 10:54:47 UTC  

I mean, I agree that it's silly and embrassing to think you are casting hexes but if you think you are talking to the creator of the universe, I think you belong into a padded room. You should be locked up for your own safety.

2019-08-13 10:54:53 UTC  

He does debunk when God is used as the reason for a bad argument

2019-08-13 10:55:23 UTC  

Usually it's considered insane only if you hear God respond, but I think talking to God is already insane enough.

2019-08-13 10:55:46 UTC  

Also "casting hexes" is more like talking to God rather than having God talk back, so it's not worse than going to church to pray.

2019-08-13 10:59:20 UTC  

Prayer does have a function, how often have you reconsidered a thought after hearing it vocalized? The classic "that sounded better in my head". Voicing our concerns in the form of prayer makes it feel less like talking to yourself like a crazy person and gives you an extra opportunity to analyze your own thoughts. And sometimes this gives a little inspiration or introspection, and you change your mind

2019-08-13 10:59:57 UTC  

@tea_in_space Polish are hardworking people. The niggers of Europe are the gypsies. They don't work. A race of thieves and sellers of stolen and counterfeit goods.

2019-08-13 11:02:45 UTC  

"Prayer does have a function, how often have you reconsidered a thought after hearing it vocalized?" --- And "magic" doesn't have other functions than to literally affect reality outside of spellcasters themselves?

2019-08-13 11:03:40 UTC  

"Voicing our concerns in the form of prayer makes it feel less like talking to yourself like a crazy person" --- So, thinking about stuff with inner dialogue rather than talking to an imaginary friend (as an adult) is ... *less* insane?

2019-08-13 11:03:55 UTC  

Why is inner dialogue insanity to you but believing you talk to creator of universe is not?

2019-08-13 11:05:13 UTC  

You're doing the Shapiro dodging by arguing non-religious benefits from prayer. Maybe you should at least recognize the benefits of spellcasting if you don't take that literally?

2019-08-13 11:06:32 UTC  

There are no benefits to spell casting. It's literally an authoritarian action to attempt it "I want the world to change to my whims"

2019-08-13 11:07:04 UTC  

Because I dislike how everything is tailored with God-sized exception to everything. For example "Facts don't care about your feelings" doesn't exactly fit with the model of praying is good because it feels good.

2019-08-13 11:07:34 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 So, is Styx an authoritarian?

2019-08-13 11:07:52 UTC  

He believes in some sort of magic, rituals, occult, etc.

2019-08-13 11:08:19 UTC  

Depends, does he just want to cast fireballs or reshape reality?

2019-08-13 11:08:54 UTC  

Also, asking for God to do as he pleases (which he would do anyway) but pleading him to side with them is not authoritarian toward others? It's not authoritarian toward God but other people affected by will of God cannot certainly avoid consequences of God's actions.

2019-08-13 11:09:38 UTC  

You misunderstood what I meant prayer was for, prayer is more like asking for advice, not intervention

2019-08-13 11:10:04 UTC  

If you argue for prayer not to carry pleading toward God but just as a means of having an opportunity to evaluate your own thoughts... how about de-pathologizing inner dialogue?