Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 601857757657694218

2019-07-19 18:23:09 UTC  

Why couldnt they just use the suez canal

2019-07-19 18:23:39 UTC  

Suez is monitored quite heavily

2019-07-19 18:24:21 UTC  

They would also need to go through the Red sea

2019-07-19 18:24:29 UTC  

Makes sense

2019-07-19 18:24:31 UTC  

Which is de facto under American control

2019-07-19 18:24:39 UTC  

Hence they went around Africa to avoid that.

2019-07-19 18:26:44 UTC  

Iran is desperate to sell its oil, which is a massive part of its economy.

2019-07-19 19:02:03 UTC  

I wonder what Irans plan is here..

2019-07-19 19:02:53 UTC  

Iran: "Well we already pissed off the biggest military in the world. How about we piss off the second biggest navy?"

2019-07-19 19:05:06 UTC  

Oh yeah Iran is denying that america shot their drone yesterday

2019-07-19 19:09:50 UTC  

I think they are trying to escalate the situation, create some preassure to make people return to the original deal. A calculated move, they want to stay in the media news channels, remind people that they are still there.
And I would trust Iranian state media as much as the North Korean state media.

2019-07-19 19:10:13 UTC  

Or any other state run media.

2019-07-19 19:25:36 UTC  

What if it's a false flag

2019-07-19 19:26:05 UTC  

and Iran did nothing wrong <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-07-19 19:26:20 UTC  

That wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility

2019-07-19 19:26:58 UTC  

I'd rather wait and see on anything to do with Iran.

2019-07-19 19:27:22 UTC  

But I don't think Israel's simply....competent enough to be behind this

2019-07-19 19:27:32 UTC  

Well, Iran is saying they did it.

2019-07-19 19:27:45 UTC  

They also said the drone was American and released the footage.

2019-07-19 19:27:49 UTC  

Iran says Israel does everything bad that happens in that area.

2019-07-19 19:27:51 UTC  


2019-07-19 19:28:14 UTC  

Yeab, but why would Iranian state media would embrace the false flag designed to blame them.

2019-07-19 19:28:44 UTC  

I suppose it'd allow them to be justified in retaliating if it was a false flag?

2019-07-19 19:28:50 UTC  

Double thunk time

2019-07-19 19:29:07 UTC  

Maybe they want to have some saber rattling

2019-07-19 19:29:41 UTC  

Or maybe they're trying to act tough to hide some sort of internal problem that's currently happening in their country?

2019-07-19 19:29:52 UTC  


2019-07-19 19:30:28 UTC  

Who knows but if we are going to take out Iran, we should do it on real reasons and not concjecture.

2019-07-19 19:30:49 UTC  

So they asked the UK to cooperate with them, so they could hide some internal problem?

2019-07-19 19:31:12 UTC  

Didn't they say that they did one of the attacks?

2019-07-19 19:31:18 UTC  


2019-07-19 19:31:47 UTC  

UK said that the Iranians took over an oil tanker, and the Iranian state media confirmed.

2019-07-19 19:32:22 UTC  

Maybe it was retaliation

2019-07-19 19:32:30 UTC  

you take mine we take yours

2019-07-19 19:33:11 UTC  

Well what did the UK do against Iran recently?

2019-07-19 19:33:21 UTC  

Took one of their tanker going to Syria.

2019-07-19 19:33:23 UTC  


2019-07-19 19:33:42 UTC  

UK should double down and take another tanker

2019-07-19 19:33:49 UTC  

This is quite straight forward.

2019-07-19 19:34:06 UTC  

Prelude to WW3 is stealing oil tankers

2019-07-19 19:34:35 UTC  

If there is any Iranian Oil tanker near Gibraltar, i guess they would.