Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

Discord ID: 609146886636437504

2019-08-08 21:40:25 UTC  

Republican National Committee and Others Halt Twitter Advertising Following Mitch McConnell’s Campaign Account Being Suspended

2019-08-08 21:43:41 UTC  

I wonder who are the bad guy's, that want's to genocide an entire race... Love the reverse racism.

Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’
Universal Pictures spent $18 million dollars on the production of a film glorifying the hunting and killing of “deplorables,” but tell me again how social media is “radicalizing people.”

2019-08-08 21:44:37 UTC  

Illegal Immigrants Arrested In Largest ICE Raid In A Decade, Nearly 700 Arrested

2019-08-08 21:47:32 UTC  

This seems like total Bullshit; it's too convenient

2019-08-08 21:48:15 UTC  

Mhm, rampant rise of shootings in a short window of time... It is too convenient.

2019-08-08 21:50:09 UTC  

Ivanka Trump to promote women’s initiative in South America

2019-08-08 21:50:32 UTC  

Connecticut man has leg amputated after contracting flesh-eating bacteria

2019-08-08 21:51:20 UTC  

Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar Says Hate Crimes Increase 226% After Trump Holds a Rally — But AG Bill Barr Says “No Evidence” Hate Crimes Increased Under Trump

2019-08-08 21:55:57 UTC  

I'm looking into it, it's smells so bad like Antifa.

2019-08-08 21:56:07 UTC  

> Siege at El Paso.

2019-08-08 21:56:22 UTC  

You need to be a damn brainlet to believe this farce.

2019-08-08 22:02:38 UTC  

Man the libs sounds like hard conspiracy theorist.
Can't blame them tho, they've ran the mueller report for 3 years!.

The Liberals Are Now Celebrating Hunting MAGA

2019-08-08 22:08:23 UTC  

Uber will tie executive compensation to meeting diversity goals
What could go wrong?

2019-08-08 22:09:41 UTC  

Hey look, it's stuff that we knew all along...
Who's the conspiracy theorist now~
Flying Saucer.

2019-08-08 22:10:20 UTC  

It's more like a large drone than the UFOs depicted in conspiracy theories

2019-08-08 22:12:15 UTC  

The government has been working on this for fucking decades.
But owh, just because our technology has been getting more futurized, it has to be breath taking...

2019-08-08 22:20:43 UTC  

Brazen bike thugs film themselves rampaging through ASDA: Shocking footage shows yob wrestle elderly lady then PUNCH man as gang tear through supermarket doing WHEELIES

2019-08-08 22:37:06 UTC  

[HomeWorld / News]
Catholic archbishop warns of ‘rainbow plague’ threatening Poland

2019-08-08 22:46:43 UTC falling for a parody site?

2019-08-08 22:52:06 UTC  

Nah, just posting it, because why not.

2019-08-08 22:58:00 UTC  


Are these people even paying attention to what he’s saying?
Oops: Biden says “we choose truth over facts”
~ <>
#JoeBiden is choosing “science over fiction” and “truth over facts.” Unless, Joe is a Hegelian I think he mixed up his words there.
~ <>

2019-08-08 22:58:23 UTC  

Gab founder says users fed up with Big Tech treating them 'like children'

2019-08-08 23:00:04 UTC  

Germany, Sweden Mull 'Climate Change' Meat Tax
'We need a meat tax': German politicians pitch plan to improve animal welfare
> <>

2019-08-08 23:02:02 UTC  

@BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

I just noticed they detained, questioned him, and then released him because he hadn't done anything wrong

2019-08-08 23:02:22 UTC  

Smh, just an example of #LivingWhileWhite

2019-08-08 23:02:53 UTC  


2019-08-08 23:04:09 UTC  

No, the Trump Truck El Paso guy

2019-08-08 23:04:13 UTC  


2019-08-08 23:04:29 UTC  

sigh - meat tax

2019-08-08 23:04:35 UTC  

Those Staff are a bunch of racists

2019-08-08 23:04:57 UTC  

when are these fucknuggets going to wake up and start to admit the food/fuel/etc is not the problem, it's the scale multiplier of population that needs fixing

2019-08-08 23:05:06 UTC  

Either one, antifa protected group.
Or having shit all over his truck that looks entirely fucking trollish so they can make a story.