Message from @Eirshy
Discord ID: 599284371630981120
Whats tau?
a bunch of wannabe eldar
that lack hand to hand combat skills
Unless his name is Farsight
With vaginas on their faces
disgusting fish people
Then he skullfucks you
I'd like to see him try
I'll skullfuck his entire race witha single dreadnaught
and don't gimme that skillsuits are cool shit
tau is shit
I wish Dreads were good this edition
They get nuked too quickly
Did someone say miqo'te
We ff14 here?
>what is a tau
Terrifying at range with all that plasma, but (generally) limper dicked than antifa in melee.
Good news for Tau tho, they (at least traditionally) could get charge interception covering fire from nearby squads
*fixes bayonets*
I heard heresy
tau are those faggot insectoid aliens
Tau are the blueberries
You're probably thinking the omnomnoms, aka the Tyranids
Tyranids are the bugs ye
Except they're not really bugs any more than the Zerg in starcraft are
and if you ask which of the 'nids and zerg informed the other, the answer is yes
who would win
heavy armor blue motherfucker
blue long arm ass motherfucker
Ball Ass wouldn't do it himself tho
the second motherfucker is literal
@robert from kinoplex wellllll, I've been playing Tau on DoW
Pretty sure Tau win
Since when did the Tories want to do THAT?