Message from @UnScottable
Discord ID: 601873533596991533
jokerfaic not really dude
the hijab is liberation
i know this
shes making fun of how her professor doesnt say the US Military with the same Disdain as Al Qaeda.
so in a sense, yes she is making fun of her professor.
its still a non-story
that sounds like an opinion
now her making an ass of herself to the guy in charge of fucking with venezuela, that's some meat
Yeah UnScottable. A video showing anti American and Pro Terror sympathies in a sitting congresswoman is a non-story
except its not, we just established this
try again
You're braindead Joker
@DrWittMDPhD okay paypig
cool story. go ahead and make shit up against someone who already has real-world shit worthy of criticism
how is fucking video evidence made up
because we just established that's not what she's fucking doing
no we didnt
i did not agree with you. try again
Scott listen, He said so, so it's true
When and where was this? I wanna catch the full one, I like Tucker
@UnScottable The hijab is liberation 😂
If britain drags us into a fucking war, its time for 1776-2, brexit-boogaloo
Samething Full of muslim.
@Comando not a problem for nuclear fuel, which provides way more results, for far less worry
I think it's interesting how Trump did his "Racist tweet" Right after people on the far left were starting to use the word against people like Pelosi and Biden. He knew he'd be called racist, but he says it once the moderate left was exposed to the same insult, thus its value was lowered
My lord and savior jesus christ <:poggers:583775485620781087>
Lord and savior Satan
Hail Satan
lord and savior Thomas motherfucking Jefferson.