Message from @Paige Hendrix
Discord ID: 603449374432821258
>6-year-old girl fakes a pregnancy
Oreimo is so vanilla. Go for Koi Kaze.
It has little sister combined with pedo.
Hmmm... a complete playlist? And none has been taken down?
cause i tried reasoning how trump's mannerisms aren't much worse than someone's older uncle or grandpa at Thanksgiving
and how I understood the reasoning behind trump barring trans ppl from military service wasn't immoral discrimination, but rather he didn't want more mentally unstable people on the front lines
which tbh is more merciful than sending more people to die in fruitless wars imo
you dont want people under constant need of medicine for mental issues handling military hardware?
i guess that makes me literally Himmler lol
You know making clear and sense arguments are wrong right, stupid head
im a manlet with massive eye problems and no matter how much i love my country even i wont want myself serving in the armed forces
Your sooooooo dumb, how dare you be sense
i went to a vision center to get my eyes checked earlier
i guess my vision just wasn't woke enough
the new DLC for GTA 5
likin it so far
btw ameriburgers explain to me what "dont ask dont tell" actually does. for all i make of it you just dont ask people if theyre gay and dont tell people youre gay or something like that
from what I can gather it's just a discretion policy
It is now
Before it was zero tolerance afaik
just keeping gay stuff on the down low
You break dadt in the past and you could be discharged
cause, well, what does letting people know you're gay have to do with serving your time?
by you breaking dadt, what if its someone else who outed you
I think they get busted too
i guess you'd report it to your CO?
It's basically codified homophobia
Which is silly but not necessarily offensive, they tried to be respectful
It didn't end up working out in the long run it seems
i think its a misguided old rule, well meaning but misguided