Message from @nobuyuki

Discord ID: 603449817665896476

2019-07-24 04:47:16 UTC

2019-07-24 04:47:54 UTC  

cause i tried reasoning how trump's mannerisms aren't much worse than someone's older uncle or grandpa at Thanksgiving

2019-07-24 04:48:29 UTC  

and how I understood the reasoning behind trump barring trans ppl from military service wasn't immoral discrimination, but rather he didn't want more mentally unstable people on the front lines

2019-07-24 04:49:49 UTC  


2019-07-24 04:50:06 UTC  

which tbh is more merciful than sending more people to die in fruitless wars imo

2019-07-24 04:50:09 UTC  

you dont want people under constant need of medicine for mental issues handling military hardware?

2019-07-24 04:50:34 UTC  

i guess that makes me literally Himmler lol

2019-07-24 04:50:43 UTC  

You know making clear and sense arguments are wrong right, stupid head

2019-07-24 04:51:11 UTC  


2019-07-24 04:51:12 UTC  

im a manlet with massive eye problems and no matter how much i love my country even i wont want myself serving in the armed forces

2019-07-24 04:51:24 UTC  

Your sooooooo dumb, how dare you be sense

2019-07-24 04:51:47 UTC  

i went to a vision center to get my eyes checked earlier

2019-07-24 04:52:13 UTC  

i guess my vision just wasn't woke enough

2019-07-24 04:52:22 UTC  

or something witty along those lines

2019-07-24 04:52:30 UTC  


2019-07-24 04:52:36 UTC  

the new DLC for GTA 5

2019-07-24 04:52:43 UTC  

likin it so far

2019-07-24 04:53:23 UTC  

btw ameriburgers explain to me what "dont ask dont tell" actually does. for all i make of it you just dont ask people if theyre gay and dont tell people youre gay or something like that

2019-07-24 04:54:03 UTC  

from what I can gather it's just a discretion policy

2019-07-24 04:54:08 UTC  

It is now

2019-07-24 04:54:09 UTC

2019-07-24 04:54:16 UTC  

Before it was zero tolerance afaik

2019-07-24 04:54:18 UTC

2019-07-24 04:54:29 UTC  

just keeping gay stuff on the down low

2019-07-24 04:54:30 UTC

2019-07-24 04:54:41 UTC  

You break dadt in the past and you could be discharged

2019-07-24 04:54:57 UTC  

cause, well, what does letting people know you're gay have to do with serving your time?

2019-07-24 04:55:14 UTC  

by you breaking dadt, what if its someone else who outed you

2019-07-24 04:55:28 UTC  

I think they get busted too

2019-07-24 04:55:33 UTC  

i guess you'd report it to your CO?

2019-07-24 04:56:17 UTC  

It's basically codified homophobia

2019-07-24 04:56:41 UTC  

Which is silly but not necessarily offensive, they tried to be respectful

2019-07-24 04:57:11 UTC  

It didn't end up working out in the long run it seems

2019-07-24 04:57:14 UTC  

i think its a misguided old rule, well meaning but misguided

2019-07-24 04:57:20 UTC  


2019-07-24 04:58:11 UTC  

Guys are gonna talk about sex eventually, when a straight guy does it it might not seem like rubbing it in your face but maybe it does to a gay guy (and vice versa)

2019-07-24 04:59:17 UTC  

So i can see ppl breaking dadt who just want to be left alone or otherwise try to get out of a conversation they don't want to get any more awkward

2019-07-24 05:01:10 UTC  

These days I'd like to think ppl can handle it like adults without having to codify a policy whose lowest common denominator back in the day was your average homophobe

2019-07-24 05:01:39 UTC  

current_year politics is all about outdoing each others's extremeness

2019-07-24 05:02:29 UTC  

oh wait i misunderstood the last part