Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)
Discord ID: 604609606525779968
Most people won't think to act until they're right on the cliff edge, staring down into the crags and surf.
as if there was ever a challenge or removal of tyrants with anything even approaching a total consensus
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> Changed roles for fineshrine#9070, +Silence, -Xenos
Remember goy, one race, the human race
Yah dood we actually care about our national animal
Strayans dont care if they hit theirs with their cars
well i mean he's not wrong
@Hikagae roo's here in australia are literally pests most of the time XD
At least we're not speaking German
@Ethreen42 I support the gassing of rarity
oh god
*idk, how do you compete with a horse?*
Todd Howard got younger
and cut his hair
lol i said cali black death last week
tbh does anyone really care if the black death returns in california?
get the fuck out of my head msm