Message from @Engineered Eldritch Catgirl
Discord ID: 604658121465397258
right back at yah
the guy screaming was not the guy who shot
it was his fucktarded sergeant
.... dude, we have body cam footage, Brailsford shot
he wasn't barking the orders
that wasn't even a contension in court
the profound cretin doing the simon says orders was his sarge
i hope that cunt got prison time too
no one got prison time
fuck this
im out
in fact, again, the killer now gets tax-paid pension
maybe he can use that money to laser treat his tats
With special guest-star Jacob Rees-Mogg
This is wrong
Wong and his waifu "Ladybeard"
```A car chase quickly ensued for eight miles, when the suspect exited his car and approached Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) officers with a “cylindrical object” in hand, according to an NNSS statement.
The man failed to adhere to officers’ requests to stop, and was promptly shot dead at the scene.```
`cylindrical object`
My friend once trusted apple maps and it led him though a military base
camera lenses are now lethal weapons
only bring smartphones