Message from @Septurd
Discord ID: 606254680842043403
*fukken oppressed*
Tiers of oppression:
3rd: Gays
2nd: Conservatives
1st: Gamers
being a reddit fag is not something to be proud of
your reposts only get worse the more you use them
Actually I inserted the Alucard into that meme.
Well I've seen it before
with the alucard
so you have posted it before
and you've now posted it again
Cry into your own cornflakes.
I'm actually eating cake you daft nigger
Shove it up your arse.
that's not how you eat cake
Can't wait to hear the leaked tapes of Obama talking about the dumb wypipo in Europe
Anyone ever realize Chuck Schumer looks just like the prison warden in shawshank redemption?
I can't tell if this is a real commercial. Ad I just got on youtube.
So brave
hyper ultra mega oof
aww man
So we back in the mine
swinging our axes from side to side
no wait