Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 613182290994135051

2019-08-16 18:14:42 UTC  

Cyberpunk Near Future JoJos

2019-08-16 18:15:00 UTC  

or Russian Mafia JoJos

2019-08-17 23:36:21 UTC  

Why not Cyberpunk Russian Mafia Jojo?

2019-08-18 02:22:21 UTC  


2019-08-18 09:29:21 UTC  
2019-08-19 21:30:57 UTC  

Leaked documents show that the Trump administration is drafting an executive order that, if upheld by the courts, could essentially end free speech on the Internet. The draft order would put the FTC and the FCC, headed by its notoriously corrupt chairman Ajit Pai, in charge of monitoring and policing online speech on social media platforms, online forums, and more.

It would give these bureaucratic government agencies unprecedented control over how Internet platforms moderate speech by allowing them to revoke the essential protections Congress laid out in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA). CDA 230 is the basic law that makes it possible for online platforms to let users post our own content, and to make basic decisions about what types of content they as private entities want to host. Every meme, every social media post, every blog and user-created video on the Internet has been made possible by this crucial free speech protection.

2019-08-19 21:31:54 UTC  

In practice, this executive order would mean that whichever political party is in power could dictate what speech is allowed on the Internet. If the government doesn’t like the way a private company is moderating content, they can shut their entire website down. The administration claims it’s trying to stop private companies from silencing speech—but this plan would create terrifying new censorship powers for the government to do just that. And the White House isn’t alone in promoting this misguided idea, some top Democrats have also called for weakening CDA 230.

The draft order has already been resoundingly condemned by First Amendment and free speech experts from across the political spectrum. Regardless of your politics, regardless of how you feel about the president, this is a terrible idea that will have the exact opposite impact of its stated purpose of protecting free speech. Sign the petition to tell the White House: “Don’t break the Internet with an executive order that makes the FCC and FTC the speech police. Uphold the First Amendment and leave the free and open web alone.”

Can you join and take action? Click here:

Fight for the Future works to protect your rights in the digital age.

2019-08-19 21:47:24 UTC  

I highly doubt any of what is claimed is even remotely true as Trump has been a big proponent of free speech and dismantling the censorious big tech social media companies that abuse their users while under the protection of US Law established by previous presidencies @(a fundamentally broken) outcast

2019-08-19 21:47:49 UTC  

if i where you i wouldn't buy everything leaked on the internet every time

2019-08-19 21:48:03 UTC  

it's just as easy to fake it as it is to expose it

2019-08-19 22:07:09 UTC  

the debate on censoring and free speech is one too long and complex to have on a discord like this

2019-08-19 22:07:54 UTC  

That doesn't mean your infodumps are true.

2019-08-19 22:08:37 UTC  

what i know is that it is in corporate interest to censor and that fftf is very credible. and no it doesnt but look at some of sargon's infodumps and people here suck that shit up lol

2019-08-19 22:10:04 UTC  

anyway enjoy that read or dont im gonna sleep

2019-08-19 23:14:41 UTC  

@(a fundamentally broken) outcast look at this pretentious little bitch "the debate on censoring and free speech is one too long and complex to have on a discord like this" you either think to highly of yourself or you really cant throw anything back. In either case you spewing whatever lunacy you read online without any forethought instead of actually showing your beliefs only shows how degraded society is nowadays lacking any trust in anything and only seeing fear and conspiracy around every corner.

2019-08-20 01:20:01 UTC  

@(a fundamentally broken) outcast Oh yeah, I saw shit about this fairly recently IIRC (I'm pretty sure it had to do with some senator who wanted to hold Social Media companies to account for censoring people based on political opinions)

2019-08-20 01:20:51 UTC  

@SideTracker he's referring to Ajit Pai presumably trying to regulate how Social Media companies censor shit AFAIK

2019-08-20 01:24:54 UTC  

@(a fundamentally broken) outcast
"what i know is that it is in corporate interest to censor"
>Yes, like how Twitter, Facebook, and YT are doing right now. I'm almost 100% sure that the plans for this shit are limited to Social Media companies (as Conservatives say they have unfairly been banned for lesser things than their Left-Wing counterparts have been banned for). While I can indeed see how this can go wrong, sites like Twitter and Facebook aren't really NOTABLE for being big on Free Speech (and indeed I posted a bunch of links on Twitter about this contentious issue* awhile back)

*the contentious issue being that of censorship on social-media based on political ideology

**(each of the sites below is rated as trustworthy or mostly-trustworthy by Newsguard, which I consider to be a trustworthy way of rating the trustworthiness of sites)**

2019-08-20 01:27:03 UTC  

And this whole censoring people for political opinions isn't even limited to a single side

2019-08-20 01:27:30 UTC  


2019-08-20 01:27:49 UTC  

(it's just that conservatives are a fuck-ton more vocal about it, for some reason)

2019-08-20 01:30:48 UTC  

Hell, censorship isn't even the entirety of the fucked-up shit Social-Media sites do because of political ideology (and not violent political ideology, either)

2019-08-20 01:30:55 UTC  

they'll even SUPRESS conservative news, or restrict the accounts of conservatives

2019-08-20 01:37:16 UTC  

There's also multiple examples of Facebook kowtowing to governments because the feefees of the government have been hurt (BECAUSE GOD FORBID.....PEOPLE DENY THE HOLOCAUST OR BLASPHEME BY DRAWING MOHAMMED THE PEDOPHILE!)

2019-08-20 01:47:09 UTC