Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 621849689125552138

2019-09-12 23:21:41 UTC  

There is no subject change

2019-09-12 23:21:51 UTC  

Read your original post

2019-09-12 23:22:50 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

Well you went from the founders (where you got pwned) and changed the topic to race realist nonsense (where you failed to make a point) then moved to nazis (because why not?)

2019-09-12 23:23:27 UTC  


2019-09-12 23:23:31 UTC  

The subject is the same

2019-09-12 23:23:34 UTC  

>I said you were trying to paint them as racists

2019-09-12 23:23:56 UTC  

You implied in your very first post that this portrayal is inherently evil

2019-09-12 23:24:26 UTC  

And that it is something out of the ordinary for the Founders

2019-09-12 23:24:31 UTC  

Neither of which are true

2019-09-12 23:24:31 UTC  

@Marushia Dark

Well the volatility is a big issue and the fungability is limited. This leads to a lot of issues with tranfer rates and makes it difficult to use as a common currency.

2019-09-12 23:24:50 UTC  

I brought up race and IQ to illustrate this very point

2019-09-12 23:25:13 UTC  

Of how research is shunned due to a blind belief in this narrative

2019-09-12 23:25:20 UTC  

Where racism is the ultimate sin

2019-09-12 23:25:27 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

I implied that you were acting like a Times writer. Which is evidenced by the fact that you have so swiftly escalated from isolated qoutes to Nazis in the course of a few minutes.

2019-09-12 23:25:42 UTC  

the amount of letters in the word race is the amount of digits in your iq

try it

2019-09-12 23:26:05 UTC  

There isn't any topic change, read it again, slowly, maybe you'll get it this time

2019-09-12 23:27:18 UTC  

There was nothing but distraction on your part. I stuck to the topic of the founders and you happilly ran off into the distance with your goalpost and pretended you made some point by doing so.

2019-09-12 23:27:34 UTC  

@Jym As if paper currency doesn't have volatility as well, or the fact that you still have to convert between national currencies.

@Monstrous Moonshine Race and IQ is like the gender wage gap. Accurate, but meaningless since you can't apply averages to individual cases.

2019-09-12 23:28:21 UTC  

There is no movement of goalposts, you used the term as a smear and I highlighted the flaw in that

2019-09-12 23:28:39 UTC  

@Marushia Dark

Paper currency does have fluctuations but they are moderate enough that I can use the dollar as my primary currency and do reasonable long and short term planning on that valuation.

2019-09-12 23:28:59 UTC  

@Marushia Dark And no one is applying averages to individual cases

2019-09-12 23:29:26 UTC  

He said you were painting them with racist hues by selectively quote miming and here you go talking about racism as a smear

2019-09-12 23:29:30 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

You know instead of demanding I watch videos made by halfwits you could attempt to make a point on the subject and defend it in you own words....

2019-09-12 23:29:46 UTC  

There were many types of currency in use on the continent prior to the formation of the US dollar. No one seemed to have issue. That was among the chief robs of bank, to facilitate transfer to a preferred medium. Ultimately, currency follows popularity.

2019-09-12 23:30:25 UTC  

@ᴠᴀᴇʀʏɴɴ The quotes are consistent with their policies and beliefs

2019-09-12 23:30:26 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine Then why does it matter what the average is?

2019-09-12 23:30:29 UTC  

Ford does that he posts video s because it's easier than talking to people

2019-09-12 23:30:59 UTC  

@ᴠᴀᴇʀʏɴɴ I do that too sometimes if I feel the video makes my case well enough for me

2019-09-12 23:31:20 UTC  

Because it does explain that the disproportionately low amount of blacks in universities might not be all due to "systematic racism" @Marushia Dark

2019-09-12 23:31:33 UTC  

@Marushia Dark

Sure but those currencies were specie (that is valuated by a physical commodity) that damps volatility. Because if I am unhappy with the currency it can be converted to commodity. This sort of cross-trade was used competitively by banks and had the net effect of stability. I see no such mechanism in crypto.

2019-09-12 23:31:48 UTC  

And a whole lot of other stuff, to which race and IQ and race and crimes are but stepping stones

2019-09-12 23:32:52 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine

Oh christ man you don't have to jump through all those hoops to prove that affirmative action is a bad idea. You can achieve such goals without pseudoscience.

2019-09-12 23:33:14 UTC  

And without being a racist 😄

2019-09-12 23:33:19 UTC  

I don't appreciate such methods because it deflects responsibilities from you and is not your own case - so why talk to you?

2019-09-12 23:33:56 UTC  

This is where I depart with libertarians in that tying currency to a physical commodity like gold or silver is actually a terrible idea since you have to keep those goods on reserve instead of using them for more practical purposes when you can just use money of account. We switched in 1933 with HJR 192 and the gold seizure and yet it hasn't crashed the economy, just your purchasing power because of inflation.

2019-09-12 23:34:08 UTC  

Something else crypto doesn't suffer from

2019-09-12 23:35:34 UTC  

For instance you can directly correlate the dissolution of black families and heightened crime directly to the Great Society programs that created them. I'd also point out that such a large change in such a short period of time (a couple generations) **cannot** be genetic in origin.........,

2019-09-12 23:39:37 UTC  

@Marushia Dark

OK you have to balance the lack of utilizing reserves verses the utility of value transmission. A bar of silver has a value here, in China, and everywhere else. Now currency is purely speculative. Also I cannot see the change to pure fiat as a success. The promise was that through liquidity controls we could avoid recessions and collapses. And yet after the change they have been just as, if not more, frequent.

Not a gold-bug BTW just aware of the intricacies in the system. *Theory of Money and Credit* was a tough read but valuable background for thinking about money.

2019-09-12 23:42:51 UTC  

All money is merely a medium of exchange. As you said, there's utility in facilitating transactions to avoid the convolusions of pure barter, but for that the best option is still crypto. All currencies, whether fiat or otherwise, are faith-based in that they rely on the belief in being used to redeem goods and services with them. Which, again, that faith is simply a social contract. We use whatever everyone else is using. Way back in the early days of paper currency - which were really just claim checks on gold and silver - there was doubt about their trustworthiness too.

2019-09-12 23:44:06 UTC  

The problems with our current fiat system creating booms and busts is because the govt can't be trusted to properly regulate the money supply. We've had six major depressions prior to the Great Depression, all caused by govt tampering with the money supply, even back before we had fiat currency.