Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 616274236666937346

2019-08-28 13:55:20 UTC  

Point is we stand a realistic chance if mass migration is stopped

2019-08-28 13:55:39 UTC  

We'd have centuries to find a way to sort things out

2019-08-28 13:59:13 UTC  

Tbh the problem is that any mention of intergration is met with screaching, for example I have neverheard of hinduphobia/shikaphobia, or I have never had issues with carabean decent people, but they usually ifentify as British. But the masses that come over, and just form their own clicks. Nothing but issues and sny attempt to address it is ignored as bigoted... makes me laugh when you get black people called uncle toms by middle class white kids, because they dont fall in the progessive stack and like being british...

2019-08-28 14:00:33 UTC  

Wasn't Islamophobia invented by Iranian ultranationalists?

2019-08-28 14:00:54 UTC  

I'm fairly certain Anti-Semitism was invented by Zionists too.

2019-08-28 14:00:59 UTC  

What a trend.

2019-08-28 14:01:06 UTC  

I honestly don't care what the origin of the term is, all I know is that it's a stupid term and people who use it deserve mockery

2019-08-28 14:01:25 UTC  

I just mean these terms were invented by those who benefit most from you not questioning what they do.

2019-08-28 14:01:29 UTC  

anti-semitism at least makes logical sense

2019-08-28 14:03:19 UTC  

You can explain why being anti some religion and thus being anti all people practicing that religion is something that you deserve to be shamed for, but you can't explain the same thing for being *fearful* of that religion

2019-08-28 14:03:47 UTC  

Especially since the progressives are all about their *feelings*

2019-08-28 14:05:08 UTC  

I think anti-semitism and islamophobia are contextually different

2019-08-28 14:08:13 UTC  

Criticism of anti-semitism begins with the assumption that the Jews are the same as all of us, and ends with the conclusion that there's no reason *to persecute them.* Whereas criticism of islamophobia only begins the same way (I think, not sure) but it ends with the conclusion that there's no reason *to fear them persecuting us.* I.e. Muslims shouldn't be considered dangerous, where as Jews should just not be persecuted.

2019-08-28 14:09:11 UTC  

I know this is an oversimplification of actual reality, I'm talking about the perception of the general public.

2019-08-28 14:10:32 UTC  

If you change the context and include the fact that Jews conquered Israel and stole it back from the Muslims hundreds of years after it was stolen from the Jews, well...

2019-08-28 14:10:51 UTC  

But that's not the matter at hand when anti-semitism is discussed

2019-08-28 14:11:36 UTC  

By the way Israel is perfect evidence for why we should make sure too many Muslims do not enter Europe

2019-08-28 14:11:56 UTC  

Even though they're highly ineffective in their war efforts, we don't need such bloodshed

2019-08-28 14:13:20 UTC  

Imagine believing that the British monarchy is ceremonial

2019-08-28 14:13:47 UTC  

Man, the House of Lords is just a name mahdude, don't be such a silly wanker

2019-08-28 14:13:59 UTC  

This ain't the House of Lords

2019-08-28 14:14:08 UTC  

I know, just mentioning it for further context

2019-08-28 14:14:13 UTC  

This is the goddamn queen of the UK temporarily dissolving parliament

2019-08-28 14:14:16 UTC  


2019-08-28 14:14:32 UTC  

Man it really feels like that Italian crime is a pretty damning example that host nations shouldn't of trusted European refugees

2019-08-28 14:14:36 UTC  

But speaking of which,

2019-08-28 14:14:41 UTC  

>theocratic seats

2019-08-28 14:14:45 UTC  

>hereditary seats

2019-08-28 14:14:55 UTC  

The House of Lords is a mess, too

2019-08-28 14:15:54 UTC  

MFW I ask people if Britain is democratic and they say yes

2019-08-28 14:17:58 UTC  

Democratic but a poor excuse for one

2019-08-28 14:30:13 UTC  

Democratic compaired to the times everywhere had one choice in their area (lord of the manors forst born), but due to party polorisation in many areas just a farce to entertain the public... too many places where votes are won because of the colour of the rosette.

2019-08-28 14:30:43 UTC  

Democracy died in Britain when the lands were flooded with aliens

2019-08-28 14:32:29 UTC  

No that's actually the point when democracy should've saved Britain from the aliens

2019-08-28 14:32:35 UTC  

But it wasn't democratic

2019-08-28 14:33:28 UTC  

Also anti semitism and islamophobia are definitely the same in that they're discrimination against a group of people for being said group of people.
The conclusion of islamophobia is definitely the same as anti semitism it just the method of persecution is different.
I'm no scholar on the ideological beliefs of either but damn know that they act as groups against the interests of others.
Jewish "persecution" of goys occurs differently than that of Muslims.
It's more insidious than the outward oppressive force Islam presents.
I'd definitely be interested in learning more about Judaism especially regarding the Talmud to which I've heard has some pretty damning stuff in it.
There's stuff there as there is with Islam but I'm going out now so I'll leave it there.

2019-08-28 14:33:32 UTC  

democracy doesnt have to behave the way you want it to😂

2019-08-28 14:34:23 UTC  

neh, Islamophobia is just an irrational fear of islam and muslims

2019-08-28 14:34:30 UTC  

islamophobia is not discrimination. Anti-semitism is.