Message from @Mavalance

Discord ID: 614802382089355266

2019-08-24 00:38:51 UTC  

Seems like we need to notice something before it's too late...

DuckDuckGo has blocked Kiwi Farms -

2019-08-24 00:41:39 UTC  

why are they blocking them, Isn't DuckDuckGo supposed to be against censorship?

2019-08-24 00:41:57 UTC  

Shekels does wonderful things.

2019-08-24 00:43:05 UTC  

I use DuckDuckGo myself so it will be quite annoying if they start copying other search engines

2019-08-24 01:16:18 UTC  

i just switched to DDG because of this bullshit

2019-08-24 01:17:05 UTC  

theyre right, i cant find it in the search results

2019-08-24 01:17:24 UTC  

just lots of people whining about the site

2019-08-24 01:19:04 UTC  

i dont even use it, this just annoys me on principle

2019-08-24 01:40:29 UTC  

The attacking of the mentally ill...

Transwoman Gets 14 Years In Prison For Trying To Kill Several People

2019-08-24 03:35:56 UTC  

DDG hasn't blocked anything

2019-08-24 03:36:29 UTC  

They don't index results, they just take them from Bing like a search engine VPN

2019-08-24 05:02:35 UTC  

@Hexidecimark so maybe bing did

2019-08-24 12:16:42 UTC  

Something has been happening recently where this thing pops up; so far it's happened with Shapiro, Sargon, and ODL

2019-08-24 12:16:45 UTC  

And only with them

2019-08-24 12:45:10 UTC  

Nah, really?

2019-08-24 12:45:30 UTC  

I never would've (excuse me language) "thought" that that could be the case

2019-08-24 13:26:43 UTC  

The Iconoclast and Way of the World got their YouTube channels shut down.

2019-08-24 13:38:07 UTC  

Well, if an ally is reaping the benefits for it, I suppose it's not ALL bad

2019-08-24 14:34:00 UTC  

Just spoke with President @ JairBolsonaro of Brazil. Our future Trade prospects are very exciting and our relationship is strong, perhaps stronger than ever before. I told him if the United States can help with the Amazon Rainforest fires, we stand ready to assist!

2019-08-24 14:44:56 UTC  

Why do you just repeat what the vid/tweet says

2019-08-24 14:45:06 UTC  

Or title or whatever

2019-08-24 14:48:29 UTC  

If so you know, twitter links usually dies, and they have this feature...

2019-08-24 16:27:33 UTC  

>niiya is japanese

2019-08-24 16:28:00 UTC  

>wow this far-right group is very inclusive if they're texting to an Asian about shit

2019-08-24 16:28:25 UTC  

Where was that police story.

2019-08-24 16:28:27 UTC  

1 sec.

2019-08-24 16:28:53 UTC  

When the glowing gets too much...

This is irresponsible.
This incorrect tweet (stating that both victims wore hijabs) led to international speculation of an anti-Muslim hate crime.
Wait for facts.
Be right, not first.
Official release:

2019-08-24 16:30:39 UTC  

Wait for facts.
Be right, not first.

2019-08-24 16:30:49 UTC  
