Message from @whiic
Discord ID: 615342176033046539
I just see the propaganda is just as the same as it was during ww2.
People dont change
So politics is just same soup just reheated
Leftist running the Muh concentration camps, because Muh Ice Bad, and toilets.
> Ice does DNA tests to see if the children are biologically there's, if not they separate the children, because of the high demands of children trafficking in mexico so "adults" can get free asylum in the US...
I so wonder why.
So far, this is WW2 level propaganda...
Now think how ww2 was actually noted, then line them up the same.
Nothing adds up to be correct.
The truth is always inverted.
Poland lowers offical Auschwitz death toll to "about a half million".
700k bodies were moved locations...
Run a story.
>No Witnesses.
If this happened to me, I would of fucked up the hospital, by then I have nothing else to lose.
The Government Gave Her Son A Sex-Change Without Her Permission
British University Bans Beef Because A Fashion-Expert Declared A "Climate Emergency"
JUNE 10, 2019 5:33PM ET
Former Slave Describes Allison Mack’s Alleged Abusive, Terrifying Behavior in Detail
In the latest testimony in the trial of Keith Raniere, a woman identified as Nicole told the jury what it was like going from aspiring actress to the “slave” of ‘Smallville’ star Allison Mack
Fucking hell, these people needs to be locked up.
This causes fucking brain damage to babies.
'I'm drinking and smoking because my unborn baby is a BOY': Pregnant model who had boob job on the NHS says she would have had an abortion if she'd known it wasn't a girl
> <>
Another leftist ploy?
Imagine that being the only Tim Pool video without BOLDED sections in the title.
Delete your channel, Tim!
Well, the preview image still has **ADMITS**.
on the upside at least that way theyll get arrested
Day's without Jewish tricks... ** *0* **
doh, old message
Bernie: "Man, Fuck the Koch Brothers. They are huge pieces of Shit who hate America and contribute to its downfall. US politics will be better when they are gone".
Sanders' Supporters: "Yeah, Fuck the Kochs".
Bernie: "Hey, that's uncalled for and not cool; one of them Died".
Yeah. Koch may be considered as the anti-hero for leftists, but he was a borderless society corporativism pseudo-libertarian.
>Bernie is officially a member of the establishment
>Just noticed that.
Hate his capitalism and cronyism, but the battleline today is on destruction of nation state.
And Koch and Soros are in 100% agreement on that.
Also, cheap imported labor, etc. Lots of agreement.
Are or were.
What word should I use when one is dead and two is alive (Koch is two people, only other of them dead)?
I hope I soon get to use "were". That day will not come soon enough.
are we supposed to be upset that Sanders doesn't like speaking ill of the recently dead?
tbh people need to stop taking moral high ground
if winnie the pooh in china choked on his dinner of course people should be happy
so why shouldn't we be happy about someone dying that's been fucking our country over